The Key To Overcoming Procrastination

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Why the heck do we go through the day performing low quality, low value, low income and low impact producing activities.

I do it, my friends do it. All of us do it. To really understand the key to overcoming procrastination we first have to understand why we do it in the first place. So the question is:

Why Do We Procrastinate

Well there are really only Two reasons we procrastinate, the first being. We have fallen into the habit and routine of filling our day with many low quality activities and have come to the miss guided idea and belief that by keeping the day busy and having a full schedule is the same as been productive.

And the second reason being that procrastination is happening at a subconscious level caused by some underlying insecurity. This could be the feeling of just not feeling smart enough to get the things we really after. The feeling that we are not good enough to even think about doing the things we know will improve our lives. The feeling of uncertainty of not knowing what the next step to take should be and my favourite, thinking we have to know everything and have everything perfect before we take action.

The Truth Is

These are nothing more than misguided lies we hold onto as a safety net keeping us stuck in a life that can be changed at a moment's will. As rational as they sound and even being able to identify with some of them, they are still nothing more than excuses keeping us from reaching our full potential.

We have all seen and met people whether that be Television or friends, that are not the smartest people yet have an amazing life and get everything they want.

The people that achieve the most success, whether in life, business, relationships or health are not necessarily the smartest people or best looking people. They are the people who procrastinate the least, make fewer excuses and take productive action towards the goals and life they want to achieve.

So how do we break the habits, get rid of the excuses and put ourselves on the path of getting the productive life changing things done. With today's busy lifestyle filled with emails, instant messages, tweets, SMS, Facebook, the list goes on and on. And this all happening before the day has even started.

The answer and solution is simple and you can start with this right away, this is still the best piece of software I use on a daily basis.

What is this magical device that can be the key to overcoming procrastination:

A simple notepad and pen, kept at the side of your bed.

What I want you to do is, every night before you go to sleep is to write down three things that you want to achieve the next day. These must be three things that are either going to produce the highest income for you or create the biggest results for you, so that when you are finished with them you will have achieved the highest impact on your personal productivity and taken action and completed tasks that will get you to where you want to be and reach the goals that you want to achieve. By doing this in the evening before you go to sleep, you will also be accessing the power of your subconscious mind to work out the details for you while you sleep.

So make a commitment to yourself today and get those three things finished each day. And when you develop this new powerful habit of productive action... You take control of life itself and become a person of ongoing Victories and leave behind any notion of being a Victim of circumstance.

Remember that you have the ability to change your life and create the results you want and live the life you want to live by just doing a few simple actions each day.

To your Massive Success

Terrick Romer
Performance Coach and Success Mentor

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