The Life You Truly Want Is The Life That Can Be Yours!

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If you are unhappy with your present situation, you can take the first step to a better life and although you have to make the effort to move forward you are not on your own.

This brief article is about enabling you to change the way you think about yourself and your life and to make very real changes for the better.

Today is the first day of a new you and achieving the happiness of life you so richly deserve.

Why should you deserve it? Because you are human!

Life is not about pain, poverty and unhappiness. Those things exist, yes, but only because we allow them to.

The more you focus on the negative aspects of life the more you will find yourself enmeshed in the web of despair it creates.

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This is the law of attraction.

You are what you think you are! If you think you are poor, you will be poor. If you think you are not clever, you will behave as if you are not clever. If you think you will never lose weight, never have heaps of self-esteem or a barrel-load of money well the truth is that is true. Why? Because you simply create that reality for yourself.

Each of us is individually responsible for our own lives. Not our parents. Not our siblings. Not the government. Not the one world elite. Not little green men from the planet zog.
You are responsible for your own life.

If you are unhappy, poor, miserable, depressed, overweight, shy or whatever other label you want to wear emblazoned on your forehead in big red letters, then you are responsible for that situation and only you can change it.

I can't do it for you. Neither can anyone else. You need to make the effort and step-by-step, inch-by-inch reclaim your own individual sovereignty and power to create the life that you truly want. Without limit. Without excuse. Without guilt.

By following a logical step-by-plan with support you can change the way you think and if you change the way you think, you will change your life.

It takes at least 30 days to break habits, old ways of thinking and replace them with new mind-set. It may take less or more time depending on your situation and your aspirations but 30 days is a rough guide. It may take longer, maybe several months, to begin to see permanent changes. You must be willing to make the time and personal effort. Remember, no one else can do this for you, you must help yourself!

Why 30 days? Because research has shown time and again that this is the minimum average length of time it takes to break a habit. Our intention is not so much to break habits but replace those old behaviours and negative ways of thinking with new and vital behaviour and thoughts that enable us to move forwards with health, vitality, self-confidence and belief!

Today is the first day of a new you and achieving the happiness of life you so richly deserve.

On my blog is a free plan with links to a free support forum that will help you change your mind and change your life in 30 days. A better and brighter future awaits you. You simply need the courage and determination to step forward and make the journey.

Changing Minds


Begin the journey, take the first step

Changing Minds, Changing Lives is a not-for-profit enterprise that aims to enable individuals to create richer lives through valuable and permanent personal development.

Changing Minds

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