What I Learned At A Traffic Light That Could Improve Your Life

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I was in San Salvador, El Salvador (I'm guessing it's their version of New York, NY) and noticed something I've seen before in South America.

At just about every traffic light at a busy intersection there was almost always somebody juggling!

I know I was thinking the same thing "what are they doing there?"

Whenever there was a red-light, they would go out onto the crosswalk and start juggling. I'm not talking about just your average 3-ball juggling either, I'm talking 5 or 6 balls at a time! Or sometimes it would be juggling clubs or Diabolos, the Chinese Yo-Yo.

And these guys were really, really good! They wouldn't juggle for long, after all the light was going to change! They'd do their bit and then walk down the lanes with their hat in hand and collect "donations".

They were true "street performers"!

I learned several things from them;

1. The best way to get good at something is to do it over and over and over again! They were probably out there everyday for hours and hours at a time doing this. You can't help but get good by putting this much time in.

2. Don't expect something for free. They could have just as well been out there with a sign "need money for food, please help" and hoping for donations, but they weren't. They were providing a service, entertainment, for their captive audience and making some money for their effort.

3. Just because you're good at something doesn't mean you'll be successful at it. These guys all had "mad skills" with their juggling, but I'm sure they couldn't put on a great show to save their lives. It takes more than just skill to able to perform for an audience and make it entertaining. I mean who wants to watch a guy toss 6 balls in the air for 45 minutes!

I've seen some really funny and entertaining jugglers who's technical skills were just "ok". And just the opposite, I've seen some great technical jugglers who were boring and put me to sleep!

But at least these guys on the street corners were out there doing something! They weren't begging for money, they weren't sitting at home moaning that they didn't have any cash. They were out there taking some action and doing something about it!

What actions are you taking to get your goals in life? What skills do you want to get good at?

Why aren't you "out there" on the street-corner?

Fred Moore is a Speaker, Entertainer, Author and Bald-Guy! His passion is providing companies and people with the resources to "get things done!". Check out http://www.moorefred.com/ to find out how you can get Unique, Professional Entertainment for Worry-Free Events.

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