Your Multiple Intelligences

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The seven characteristics are, as described by Gardener are:

1. Visual / Spatial
This is the intelligence that is most associated with artistic ability. Although, not limited to artists, this intelligence includes anyone that uses dimensional thinking such as pilots, architects, interior designers, city planners and bush trackers.
Visual / Spatial intelligence is used when you picture dimensional concepts or objects in your minds eye. Many powerful memory techniques are available for people with strong visual / spatial intelligence.

2. Musical
The ability to understand, appreciate, create, and enjoy music is a component of a musical intelligence. Most of the great composers and musicians have this kind of intelligence. It is your musical intelligence that allows you to keep rhythm or remember a song from the rhythm.

3. Physical/ Kinesthetic
The ability to use your body or motor skills are components of this intelligence. This intelligence is much more than athletic ability, it also includes being good with your hands. Many people who have kinesthetic intelligences have the skills required by carpenters, surgeons, or even weavers.
This is a very valuable intelligence on its own and also in combination with other academic intelligences by including some physicality into your studies.

4. Linguistic
The ability to write well and talented language skills are common characteristics of linguistic intelligence. Individuals who are linguistic learners love words. They love to play with and manipulate words. Linguistic learners have a very easy time in school generally because school is a linguistic environment.
This kind of intelligence is prized and rewarded by the formal school system. If you are one of these students, you have a highly developed intelligence that is catered to the schooling environment and perform best on one and two dimensional tests such as the IQ and SAT.

5. Mathematical
The ability to think logically and proficiently are big components of this intelligence. Most abstract linear reasoning requires this type of intelligence. Mathematical learners would tend toward careers that are either mathematical or logical such as engineering, accountancy, and statistics.

6. Interpersonal
Interpersonal intelligence is a social talent. This intelligence can be identified by people who have a skill or ability to socialize very well with others. They have the ability to comfort and put people at ease. This is a very valuable intelligence when dealing with society.
This intelligence is used by people in sales positions, negotiation, and motivational speaking.

7. Intrapersonal
The intrapersonal intelligence is the intelligence of self-analysis and introspection. It is identified as being able to examine your own behavior, how the behavior affects external factors. This is the kind of intelligence that is the key to identifying where you are in life, where your goals lay, planning for the future, and also such things as daydreaming.

Most people will find that they tend toward one dominant learning style. Each of these learning styles has their merits, but there is nothing to say that you can not improve your other learning styles. For most people, it is important to identify their learning style so that they will be able to cater their own learning to this style. However you can also use other learning styles to improve your overall learning.
Putting it all together - its time to start using your brain!

Your brain is made up of many trillions of cells with billions of connections between them. With all this 'hardware' in your brain, you are supercharged and capable of performing unbelievable feats.

The answer to succeeding with effective study, isn't about brain size or brain matter, it is about studying smarter, not harder. The key to this is being able to understand how your brain works and use what you know to improve your abilities.

For further information on how and why your memory fails, feel free to visit and learn more techniques on how to improve it. The student is introduced to a toolbox of tools to assist with the process of learning and each category focuses on a different part of the study process. The student is taken from before the course of study, to after the exam and everything in between to best prepare you to succeed with studying.

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