What You Need to Know About Yourself

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Many people spend their whole lives in the shadows. Wondering what if they could do this or that, but never take action. They are in fact missing one of the main ingredients in life which is fulfillment. Every person that I know is absolutely great at something. You can talk to them for hours about something that they love doing, and you understand maybe even learn new concepts on that topic. While of course you can see others that don't show the same enthusiasm for what they do or say. The fact is that we are all able to do what we love but for that we need a clear vision of what is what we love doing. The only way to stop wondering what is what you'd love doing is getting to know who you really are and understand that the powers that have been given to you by nature are unlimited.

Let me put something clear. You don't really have to get to know yourself or all the wonderful things you are capable of doing. That in fact is your choice, but if you really want fulfillment in your life you need to start by getting to know yourself and what you are capable of. Understand that in certain a person is easier to do a certain thing, while for others doing the same thing is more difficult. Is there a difference? -Of course there is. I'm not saying go out there and be a Rock Star or the faster runner in the world or any other thing that involves a physical condition. My point is that the more you know yourself, the more you are able to do, reach, and achieve anything you decide to do with your life.

In today's world one of the biggest issues some people face is the loss of identity. Which only leads to bad decisions and regrets, and I know you don't want to be there but you also need to know how not to get there. First of all you need to like yourself and understand that you are wonderful in many different ways. But you might also need to share it and who better to start with than yourself. Let me ask you one thing? -If you don't like yourself why should others like you? Once again this is vital and the reason why I emphasize on this topic so much is because I need you to have clear in your head the benefits that getting to know yourself will bring you.

You will always be able to get what you want as long as you are able to give it in advance. If you want respect, give respect, if you want love, give love, if you want money you might need to invest as well either time or money. Look at it this way: If you are not willing to respect people, why should they? If you are not able to love others, why should they? But do you also want to know another wonderful thing? -Once you have the capacity to know who you really are in life and what you want from it you will upgrade from being in reaction and expect that things might happen to you, to being in control and doing the things that you really want in your life to happen. That's exactly where you want to be, not who I want you to be or who you want to become. You, as I said before are a wonderful human being, all you need to do is to show that for yourself on the daily basis on everything that you do.

Here is what you can do to help you with this process of getting to know who you really are. Remember that the most effective way to know something is to ask questions. Assuming will not get you any further than you are now and in fact it could also make you lose instead of improvement which is what you are looking for.


For now what you need to do is to design at least 5 questions that define the things that are part of you in your life. What you love and what you don't. Why you do it and the way that it makes you feel. It's like making a recipe. Well, now you have the chance to mention all the ingredients you are made of and on what proportion and order they need to be added. Make sure that all the most important things in your life are on these questions, and remember it doesn't really matter if you have more than 5 but make sure that only the most important things in your life are part of those questions. The fun part is that you can always go back anytime and add new questions, in fact in this process you will be adding new things to your life and maybe changing others, so don't worry. Right now just take a few minutes to write down your questions and answer them honestly. Here are a couple of sample questions in case of your mind goes blank you can modify them or use them if you want, but make sure that you are being honest with you on your answers.

What do I love doing?Why am I doing it?Who are the people I love?What are the most important things in my life?What makes me feel wonderful?What makes me feel bad?What are the things that I need to feel happy?

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