The Number One Success Secret

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Have you ever found yourself saying "I know what I need to do; I just need to do it!" Perhaps deep down you know you need to take some the time to get clear on certain aspects of your business. Maybe you know you need to focus and learn more about certain marketing details. Maybe it's delegating your book keeping. Perhaps it's about getting out there and networking, investigating social media strategies or it could even be the simple task of following up with clients' whom have slid through the cracks. This leads me to the number one success secret I know of... The willingness to take consistent action - no matter what, is the one characteristic that sets all successful business owners apart from the crowd.

When I left my corporate job and started at a chiropractic clinic doing massage therapy 9 years ago I didn't have any clients. From the beginning I knew I had to get out there so that I could pay my rent and make ends meet. As a result, I made a commitment to myself to do whatever I could to build my practice. This took on-going, consistent and earnest action on my part. I had to. And the result? In 6 months my practice was full and with the consistent action of managing my time and creating consistent marketing systems, it stayed full. After a while, all of this just became a habit. And it still is from this day forward. And, that is how taking action in your practice has got to be if you want to have a full practice.

You see, the problem with not taking action is that if your ideal clients don't hear about you, they can't hire you. And if other professionals don't know about you, they can't refer to you.

So are you ready for tough love? It's your duty to start taking action and market yourself. Each of us was given skills and talents and a life purpose as a holistic therapist. There are people who need your services. If you don't use your skills, you won't be playing your part in this world. You are responsible to make sure people know how they can find you and what you offer. So, there is no talking in circles about doing something deep down you know you "ought to". Stop rolling all the worst-case scenarios in your head over and over again. Don't expect a guarantee that everything is going to work out as planned and don't make up excuses as to why it would be better to do it later.

Just take action toward one goal you feel would help you to build your practice. And, once you do it the first time, keep doing it until it becomes an automatic reflex. It has to become an unconscious practice - like going to the bathroom. When you do something, one of two things will happen: You will succeed or you will fail.

If you're successful, you'll do more of the same thing and improve it. If you fail, you can learn from your mistakes and you can move forward differently or to try something else. It's really that simple.

Expect that getting into the groove of taking consistent action to feel odd and uncomfortable for you at first. That's normal. Taking action is not a habit for you yet. You have to practice it. You have to do it over and over. Then it starts feeling natural and comfortable.

Just do something consistently. Even if it takes you out of your comfort zone a little. And what you'll find is that it's not so bad. It actually feels good to be doing something that is taking you somewhere - anywhere. After a while, you'll find that it gets easier, more pleasant and you'll start seeing little successes unfold. (Remember to write these success's down!)

So for today, commit to doing one thing. Just one. Just make one follow up call. Just write one thank you note. Just ask one client to rebook. Just investigate Facebook or Twitter. Just decide to write newsletters on a regular basis. Just consider creating a niche for yourself. Just say no to setting fees that don't properly compensate you. Just get help if you need some. And then do it some more.

You decide what action it is that you are going to take today. Write it down, do it and pat yourself on your back. And tomorrow, do it again.

Your Assignment

Decide today what you will take action on in your business. Just pick one. Complete it and pick a new one. If you have multiple ideas and feel overwhelmed, hone in on one and stick with it for 6 months. Pick the one that is easiest to get started with and will make you the most amount of money. Don't get wishy washy about it. Get specific and create clear goals for yourself.

Jackie McKay, Prosperous Practice Mentor, teaches soul-inspired natural health practitioners the heart-centered HOW TO of busting through entrepreneurial fears, attracting ideal clients, making more money, and making a name for themselves in their purpose-centered healing business.

Jackie is the creator of The Prosperous Practice Roadmap a conscious business building program blending universal and spiritual principles with step by step savvy marketing tips, that teaches service professionals how to attract new clients and make more money by showing them the how to of building their healing business.

A former hotel marketing manager, faculty member of the Foothills College of Massage Therapy and holistic entrepreneur for 9 years, she deeply understands the questions and concerns faced by new and old practitioners in the alternative health industry. Her expertise in heart-centered business and spiritual development was developed through many years of studying A Course In Miracles and running a full time practice that was constantly bursting at the seams.

"Entrepreneurship is the deepest and fastest path to spiritual growth. It is aligning your purpose for being on earth with a business idea so deeply meaningful that you simply must do it, despite the fears and childhood wounds that arise" says Jackie.

Jackie speaks to Natural Health Practitioners across the globe at live events, through teleseminars, and other virtual programs.

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