4 Simple Steps How to Be Successful in Life

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Everybody wants to be successful, the main problem is that, how can they achieve it. Do you believe that there is a set of simple steps that you can take in order to achieve what you want in your life? In a word, yes, there are 4 simple steps how to be successful in life. As long as you follow these steps, you will be able to achieve whatever you want in your life.

1. Believe it before you start achieving it. Your belief system is a very powerful tool that you must make use if you want to be successful in your life. If you believe you can achieve it, then you can. If you believe you cannot, then you cannot. Either way, you are right because your beliefs are only real to you. You can believe that it is the right time to start a business, or you can believe that it is a bad time for it. Everyone has different beliefs. As long as your belief is an empowering one, it will be good enough.

2. Set clear and specific goals to achieve success in your life. If you are looking for how to be successful in life, then goal setting is one of the best answers for your question. Without a goal, you will never stay focused and you will not take the necessary action that will lead you to where you want to go. Every successful people set their goals, this is simply because goal setting works, and it works wonder.

3. Develop strategy plan how you can achieve your goals. Once you have identified what you want in your life, it is time for you to craft out your blueprint of how you are going to achieve it. If you follow through the first and the second step, your mind will automatically come out with strategies how you can achieve your goals.

4. Take consistent and massive action toward your goals. The key here is consistent, you have to take action steps each and everyday to move yourself closer toward your goals. Many people fail here because they are lazy, they procrastinate and they give up taking more action. The number one reason most people fail because of the lack of action. Nothing is going to happen without taking action, no action, no results. So take massive and continuous action everyday.

These are the 4 simple steps how to be successful in your life. I believe that if you follow through these 4 steps mentioned above, you will be able to achieve whatever you want in your life. Remember, take the first step now, don't wait, find out what you want in your life and achieve it.

This article is written by Shawn Lim, someone who constantly pursue wealth and success. You can visit his blog here for more success and wealth creation tips.

There are a lot of quality and free resources that can supercharge you, visit http://www.TheMillionaireSecrets.net/ now and don't forget to grab your FREE download.

4 Strategies to Being Successful - How to Be Successful

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Though we are all destine for success, but too unfortunate that not all of us will achieve it.


Because success is meant for those who go for it with all their might; and not those who like it and do nothing to have it. Below are 4 top strategies to being successful, please if you are not ready for success, mail this page to your love ones and do not bother reading it:

1) Be positive: Being positive produces confidence and propel you to work harder towards your goal because you believe (you are being positive) that they are achievable. A negative minded person who believes he can not win but continue the race because of whatever reason, has already lose before start-up due to his mind which should pump positive pressure into all other parts of the body has been handicapped by negativity. It is of extreme importance for you to be positively minded to win in all things, believe in yourself, Yes you can do it. One of the lost unknown truth to unsuccessful people is "the defeat of fear = defeat of failure." When you defeat fear, you gain confidence in possibilities of everything.

2) Think great: No one has ever risen above his own confession in life. Please do this, imagine what you have ever wanted: Great house, Beautiful cars, Wealthy home... and what have you.

Believe strongly that it is possible; otherwise you will not achieve it because the combat with failure is the combat of faith. In life everything rises or falls according to our confession, whenever we experience downstream, our words should not add to the bruise instead it should be soothing and fill with relief. You have to learn in whatsoever state you are to be independent of circumstances.

3) Refresh your mind: The need to refresh your mind can not be over emphasize. If your mind is not refreshed, it will be extremely difficult to know what is right or wrong, or what you need or do not need.

Meditate quietly:

Flashback to things you have done - what are their consequences? Present thought - what you are doing now and what is happening to you?

Future plans- Brain storm using the two above on having the successful future you dream of.

4) Get information: Without the right information, you become ignorant of your field and surroundings.

Use your resources to get right information; it will go a long way to move you to the top. If there is electric power supply in your building and you refuse to switch on your bulbs even when it is dark, your home will still be in darkness. It is not enough to get the information only, Make sure you make a good use of it.

For more success tips click here.

I blog at http://www.successandwealthmindset.blogspot.com/

5 Secrets on How to Attract Success Into Your Life

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Have you always felt that success is something that is out of your reach? Do you see successful people around you and wonder what it is that they know that you don't? Do you think you can achieve more success into your life if you know the secrets of attracting success?

To a large extent, success doesn't just happen by luck or by accident. What you do, how you think, and how you behave will make a huge difference on whether you succeed or fail in your endeavors. This knowledge on how to attract success is what separates life's winners from those who are just getting by.

To attract success into your life, consider these 5 requirements:

1. Believe that you can.

It's human nature to focus on our flaws and our shortcomings. Do you find yourself saying these things once too often: too thin, too fat, too tall, too short, too hard, too far, too little, too much? Believing that you are just right for success is the first step to reaching success. With this change of mindset, you open yourself to a vast number of opportunities and possibilities that surround us everyday, which is why this is the first secret to attracting success.

2. Set your goals.

The next secret to success is to set your goals. You have to define success in the most concrete terms that you can. This is like putting an x-mark on a treasure map, which helps to see where you want to go and how to get there.

3. Imagine success.

Visualize yourself achieving success. Imagine yourself winning and beating everybody else. This exercise can help inspire and motivate you to work towards achieving success. At the same time, it drives your unconscious to think of ways to make your desire a reality.

4. Work hard and smart.

You see people who are already successful and it seems like they had it easy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Behind every success individual is a past filled with hours and hours dedicated to practicing and working to equip themselves with the things they need to reach their goals.

5. Seize the chance.

If successful people have got you believing that success is partly luck, that's because in many cases, successful people are those who were given a big break. They were at the right place at the right time.

Another way of looking at it is, yes, they were "given" an opportunity, but it is also because they had goals so they "saw" the opportunity that others didn't see. Because they were physically prepared, they were equipped to handle the challenge the opportunity presented them. And because they believed in themselves, they had the courage to go for it.

Liberty Simpson is a prolific writer who enjoys sharing what she knows on a variety of topics. Among her favorite work is writing for this site on chrome radiators and how home owners can choose the right heated towel rails for their living spaces. Visit this site by clicking on the links here.

Do I Have to Become Successful to Be a Success?

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There are a lot of articles around about success and what it is, what it means. I think that "Success, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder". The point I am trying to make is that everyone has different ideas about what the word means but I'm not here to suggest that I know any differently or better but that I, like everyone else, have an opinion.

It seems that success and wealth have almost become synonymous in today's material based world even though the words mean totally different things. An angler who catches 6 fish may well consider himself very successful but would it make him wealthy? That's not such a simple question as it may first seem because the successful fisherman may well feel that his life is extremely rich at that time, he possibly wants nothing more out of life, at that time, than those 6 fish and the pleasure he experienced whilst catching them.

This must pose the question: What is wealth? I guess that most people asked this would immediately, without thinking about it, give "a lot of money" as the answer. They would say this, without thought, because that is what they have been taught since they were tiny and they will, in many cases never have even thought about challenging this belief. And why should they, they were also taught that you don't challenge beliefs!

I have read in many spiritual and self-improvement books that wealth, or richness is not really anything to do with what you have but much more to do with being happy with what you do have. Happiness is another word that, it seems to me, has an almost private and personal meaning to each person as what makes one person happy could well do the opposite for someone else.

Back to the Angler for a moment who is never happier than when he's sat on the river bank or wherever fishing for hour after hour. Other people may not understand this at all and would never even dream of trying it. Just one more point about the happy and successful fisherman, and a very strange point it may seem were you to think about it; That fisherman could sit there, on the river bank for 10 hours, not catch a single fish but, probably, still go home feeling happy and that his day had been successful!

So, back to success: The world, the modern world that is, tells us that success is all about achievement of one sort or another, achieving wealth, recognition, respect or about meeting goals that you either set yourself or society, other people that is, set for you. It's all about winning, about becoming better than everyone else.

"Becoming" is a key word, I feel, as we all tend to work towards becoming successful sometime in the future, even if the goal we are striving to meet is to be reached just after lunch, it's always in the future. Then, of course, having reached one goal we or society immediately set us another so any success we may have "achieved" is all but wiped out by the striving, working towards or searching for the next little bit of success, the next goal, the next sports car the next million or whatever it might be. We are always going to become successful but most of us know that tomorrow never comes. Does merely owning a sports car or having a million in the bank mean that you are successful? If it does what do you do next? Get MORE, the disease of the ego!

Does owning a successful business mean that we are successful? What might we have done to achieve that success? Have we been dishonest and deceitful, have we trampled over other human beings to get there? Have we ruined relationships and made enemies of friends? Have we filled the world with negative, toxic energy? What are the real consequences of this success?

We can stop all that by BEING successful rather than striving to BECOME successful. So, can we be successful and experience success NOW or must it be in the future? Do we have to wait 3 months, a year or 10 years before we can BE successful? The point is that we can only be successful now, in this present moment, even if we have to wait 10 years it will always happen in the now.

So it seems to me that rather than wait for something, usually something materialistic to happen before I can consider myself a success it would be wonderful if I could be successful now and I believe that I can do that very simply (that doesn't mean easily!) by just being who I am now and from there put as much quality as I can into this moment and whatever I am doing in it. I need do nothing more than live this moment the best way I possibly can to be successful. I can never do anymore than my best so how could doing it possibly be anything less than successful.

I'm not suggesting that we don't try to better our material standing, that we don't try to become millionaires if that's what we want to do but it's such a shame than the majority of us humans need to achieve something to feel successful.

Every day in which I don't hurt anybody or anything (except mosquitoes!!), I am a success. Every time I think a kind thought, I am a success. Every time I recognise that I'm in the wrong and apologise, I'm a success. Whenever I can see myself for what I am, a human being with all the potential and the failings of every other human being, and accept that totally, then I am a success. I can be a success now whenever I make the decision to be so!

I am sure that a lot of you reading this article will have watched or read "The Secret" and maybe got a bit carried away with it as I did. Then maybe you found that it doesn't seem to work very well or at all. The problem is that The Secret only tells a tiny part of the story and if you think about it it is very unlikely that The Law of Attraction is a standalone law, there must be more and like any set of laws they are very tightly tied together.

If you would like to know more you can discover all the Laws Not Revealed in "the Secret" here! http://thesecretlawsofattraction.org

How to Be Successful 24 Hours a Day

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Learn how to be successful 24 hours a day and take your life to a level you have only previously dreamed of. A few changes in your lifestyle and your mindset can have a stratospheric effect on you and make you one of the greatest achievers on the planet.

The people who are successful 24 hours a day are not brighter or more talented than the rest of us, but they do possess an inner drive that wipes the floor with any opposition they encounter. They live each day as if it is going to be their last, they laugh in the face of adversity, and they never give in.

Here are a few things you must do if you want to join the high rollers and ride on a wave of success 24 hours a day:

Each night write down what you are going to do the next day. Not what you want to achieve, but the action you are actually going to take to move you towards your goals. You must also have a long term strategy of where you want to be and what you want to have 12 months down the line.

When you wake up in the morning remember your targets, fill yourself with the desire to go out and achieve those targets, tell yourself that you are indestructible and nothing is going to stop you today.

Take a good look in the mirror, smile at yourself and again reaffirm what you are going to achieve that day.
This will help to energise you for the day ahead.

Eat a good breakfast, wholesome food, no refined rubbish, you need vitality and your health for the day ahead. Now you are ready for the big bad world!

You must keep focused all day, people who are successful do not get sidetracked with trivial matters, they blast through all the day to day things that hold other people up and get to the core of what they are trying to achieve at that particular time.

Because you are so motivated and full of desire, you bring other people along with you, you can be persuasive and strong. You do everything with a smile on your face and joy in your heart because you know deep down that you are going to be a huge success.

Life is there for the taking, so to be successful 24 hours a day, we must be focused, we must believe in ourselves, we must have desire in our heart, we must not ever get sidetracked, and we must never give up. The route to success is in all of us, we just need to reach out and grasp it.

Do you ever lack confidence or suffer from anxiety in social situations? If so you need the Panic Away program to teach you how to rid yourself of any sense of panic in peoples company. This revolutionary new program will transform your life and make you less prone to panic and more self confident. Just click on Panic Away for more information.

Outliers: The Story of Success

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Outliers: The Story of SuccessIn the past decade, Malcolm Gladwell has written three books that have radically changed how we understand our world and ourselves: The Tipping Point, Blink, and Outliers. Regarded by many as the most gifted and influential author and journalist in America today, Gladwell has the rare ability to connect with audiences of tremendously varied interests. There are over 10 million copies of his books in print.

Now, Gladwell's landmark investigations into the world around us are collected together for the first time. Beautifully repackaged and redesigned, with newly added illustrations throughout each book, COLLECTED is a perfect treasury of prose and provocation for Gladwell fans old and new.

Price: $16.99

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How To Be Successful At Life - The Formula

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What Is Your Definition Of Success?

What is your definition of success? How will you know when you are successful? The answer is simple. Once you have shaped your own thoughts around the concept success for yourself, you are halfway there. When you think about your own definition of success, you will soon realize that success is a very broad term. You will probably have to sit down and think about this for a while to get down to its real definition for your life. It is useful to define the different areas of your life as you see it and then define what success in each of those areas would be for you. This will give you a holistic view of your life.

Personal Success Starts With Being Honest With Yourself

As a first step towards personal success, "honesty is the best policy"! In this step you need to find out where you are and how far you are from being successful. For each of the areas in your life, you can jot down things you would like to achieve. You can also jot down successes you have had in each category. This will growing list and is very useful over time and therefore it is also useful to write dates next to your achievements as well as dates when you would like to have accomplished each of your goals. It is often very good to review your personal success and the things that you have achieved as an inspiration to accomplish more.

The Key To Success Lies in Doing The Right Things At The Right Time

The key to success lies in doing the right things at the right time. You need to get your priorities right. Most people create to-do lists for themselves, but often don't have a view of when what needs to be done and whether they are focusing on the right things at the time. Assign a priority to each of the important areas in your life. It is often difficult to juggle for instance work and family life, therefore you need to set time apart to focus on the things that are important to you.

It is often difficult to just switch off from one thing before you go on to the next and therefore I would advise anyone to also incorporate time where you take a break in between. This is very very important, because you cannot be effective in any area of you life if you are spent or have something else on your mind and this is often the number one cause for stress. Having regular breaks is just as important a key to success than prioritizing your life. Your commitment to your goals should be just as much on how to learn to relax sufficiently.

The Oldest Success Secret - Unleash Your Desire

A Strong desire is probably the oldest success secret. If you desire is strong enough no sacrifice is too big when it comes to achieving your goal. I recommend that every time before you start working towards any area in your life, take some time to focus on the end result. Have a clear picture for yourself of what you need to do, why you need to do it and when you will be finished. When you visualize the successful outcome, you create a strong desire, which is a vital part of any success strategy. You must want to put in the effort and if you cannot visualize it, you cannot achieve it.

Regular Review - A Vital Part Of Any Success Strategy

As you work through your success strategy and get closer to your goals, your perceptions might change, your goals might even change or you might even have accomplished more or have not progressed at all. Regular reviews of your key areas, will help you keep your priorities straight and help you to focus on what is important for you at any given time. Here you might require some self-discipline, because it is easy to think that you know where you are at. This is a step that you have to do, no matter how trivial it may seem. This keeps you focused and be on top of your priorities. If you have mastered the self-discipline in making this habit permanent you will definitely have a very effective success strategy.

In short, define your success, prioritize your success areas, put together your plan, take regular breaks, visualize your successful outcome every before your start and regular review of your progress.

Wayne Fillis is the founder of the website http://www.muzart.co.za. A website dedicated to help ordinary people improve themselves, helping them to reach their full potential. His website contains educational, inspirational, motivational and self-help material.

Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness

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Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness
    What would you do if you could really achieve all that you desire? This revealing look at the science of success will show you how to do just that! This formula for abundant living is actually based in the principles of quantum physics, and you can actually tap in to these powerful forces to make your dreams come true.
    Sandra Anne Taylor, international speaker, counselor, and corporate consultant, has been teaching these principles and techniques around the world with amazing results. Quantum Success is filled with eye-opening information and dynamic strategies that put the real keys to wealth and abundance at your fingertips. Don’t wait a moment longer to unlock that Universal door. By understanding the science of attraction and manifestation, you can take a quantum leap into a life of unparalleled prosperity and happiness.

Price: $14.95

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How to Be Successful in Life - Some Useful Tips and Ideas

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Success depends largely on what are your goals in life and of course, it may differ from person to person, may it be success in your career, in your finances, in your education, in your relationships. Sometimes we often associate success with money but there is more to success than having wealth.

Learning how to be successful in life may be a little difficult but it is not impossible to have success in every thing you want. Although there may be no sure-fire way to get everything you want, there are however some tips that can help you achieve it and of course make this challenge a little easier.

- Have specific goals. To be able to achieve something, of course, you need to have goals. This way, you all your efforts have direction and you know where you are going. Specific goals are also measurable, thus easier for you to determine if you have achieved your goals. Having specific goals also will help you focus your energy and resources towards achieving it.

- Know your strengths and weaknesses. Learning how to be successful in life is also knowing where you do best and how to overcome your weaknesses to achieve your goals. It is also important to believe in yourself and have faith in what you can do.

- Be positive. Your thoughts play a very big role in how to be successful in life. Negative thoughts that have been inculcated in our conscious and unconscious minds are among the major hindrances in our lives that makes us lose confidence in ourselves and pull us back from taking action and working on our goals. One way to re-program our minds to change these negative thoughts is to practice positive affirmation or use subliminal messages to change the hard-to-overcome negative thinking.

- Take care of your health. Being healthy is one success in life, and it is also one thing that will help you achieve success in other areas of your life. Being healthy allows you to build great relationships; it allows you to work on your financial goals; and it allows you to work on your career plans. Indeed, whatever things that you aim to do, you can do it well if you are healthy.

- Take action on your ideas. We all have ideas in mind, we all have plans and somehow, we find solutions to problems, but to make you successful in achieving your goals, you have to put those ideas into action.

- Learn to give and share to others. Learning how to be successful in life is not just about yourself, reaching your personal goals and feeding your pride. True success comes with real happiness and you can do that by sharing your success to others and giving without expecting something in return. You have to acknowledge that success cannot be achieved by just your own efforts. There are also people around you who, in one way or another, has contributed and paved the way for you to succeed, so you have to be thankful for that.

Carolyn Anderson loves to share resources and great guides on how to be a success. For a great guide to achieve the height of your success, check out Design Your Destiny. Also check out Subliminal Video Series, a subliminal tool to help you achieve your goals.

How To Become Successful

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Private success is not an imaginary circumstance of grace without argument, displeasure, or frustration. A large piece of mastering private achievement is learning how to change negative beliefs into positive opinions and off-putting experiences into lessons learned. Being correct to yourself is a rising process involving much change, which contains experiencing life's ups and downs. Reaching personal accomplishment medium that when you fall down, you'll know exactly how best to get behind up.

Folks who take the danger to be themselves and to follow their hearts will occasionally fall down. Mistakes, setbacks, and adjustments are a part of life, an large piece of how we learn and mature.

Private accomplishment is different for everyone. For some, it is a roller coaster ride, and they love it. For others, it is a gentle ride on a big Ferris wheel. Though there is a lot of starting and stopping, they take pleasure in a good view with good conversation. Generally, most of the moment, they get to get delight from going more or less without any interruption. Undoubtedly everyone's ride in life is unique, but in each case there will be ups and downs, twists and turns, sets off and stops.

As you reach superior personal success, you will still feel off-putting emotions, however they will at all times lead you back to rising waves of enjoyment, love, confidence, and peace. After you learn how to move on the other hand negative emotions, you'll complete how noteworthy they are, and you would not covet to live your life without them. If you are looking to feel a life devoid of the flow of downbeat and upbeat emotions, visit a cemetery and rest in peace.

Being alive vehicle movement. The secret of private success is staying in touch with your inner peace, enjoyment, love, and self-confidence. At the moment when you sense self-assured that you know how to start to get what you covet, you're a lesser amount of restless, you accept that life is a process, and you know that it every so often carries moment to get what you covet. At the moment when your heart is open and you're being correct to yourself, you are capable to get happiness from and appreciate each phase of your unique journey. The expectation for life to be fault-less drops away as you find that what you draw and make in your life is fault-less for you.

You clutch the power and the key to your future, you can do it, and only you can do it for you. With these new insights, you'll gain the capability to locate answers to all the questions you may well have had about making accomplishment. You will put on a new outlook that will help you make feel of your experiences in life. You will know with self-belief how best to get to where you covet to go. These four steps provide a practical and religious road map for you to produce the life you're expected to live.

Understanding yourself will help you move forward on the ultimate goal of being satisfied and content in your life. Please enjoy these articles written by the same author: Bed Bugs how to get rid of them and ringworm in humans.

Secrets of Success: The Science and Spirit of Real Prosperity

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Secrets of Success: The Science and Spirit of Real Prosperity

Are you intrigued by the Laws of Attraction yet not quite sure how to use their power if your life?  Well, you are not alone!  This life-changing book reveals the truth about how your consciousness and energy really work in the world.  It’s your full life force—not just your individual intention—that creates results.  This uniquely holistic approach unlocks your quantum psychology—the deeper vibrations of your thoughts and feelings—and offers the keys that will open you up to a future of abundance and joy.

            You will also tap into one of the best-kept secrets of success—your connection with the presence and energy of Spirit!  Learn how to sharpen your intuition and work with divine experts, messengers, and creative advisors.  Discover dozens of simple ways to access the talent of the ages and align your own energy field with the driving and creative force of the cosmos.

This book will also help you to:

  • Understand the power of adjacent possibilities and the abundant options they represent

  • Identify and change your quantum psychology and shift your consciousness for better results

  • Use your intuitive powers to lead you to your own Manifest Destiny

  • Flip the energy of your life and propel your individual intentions with a powerful life force

  • Learn simple techniques to get help from spirit to succeed in every area of your life!

The world of endless possibilities is awaiting you.  Now is your moment of destiny creation!

Price: $16.95

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How to Become Successful - 3 Easy Tips That Will Help You Learn to Become Successful in Life

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If you're looking to learn how to become successful in business or how to be successful in life you've came to the right place. If you have already achieved some success in your life this article is going to teach you how to become even more successful.

The first thing you need to know about success is that it's an inside job. That's right success comes from within, learning how to be successful in life is no easy task but if you have the courage to look at yourself for who you really are, congratulate yourself because you are already half way there.

Know Thyself

If you really want to learn how to be successful in life you're going to have to face up to who you are today in order to become the person you want to be tomorrow. You must examine your thoughts, actions, beliefs, emotions, and who you surround yourself with. Take a look at your friends are they growing or dying?

Pay attention to what you're afraid of because fear is the ultimate destroyer of success and happiness. How do you talk to yourself? Are you constantly criticizing yourself or are you talking to yourself in a positive manner. After you deal with everything that's stopping you...

You Must Become Financially Free

Freedom is your driving force in life, it doesn't matter who you are or where you came from it is your freedom that you value most. Are you stuck in a job that you hate, trading your time for money making other people rich, and sacrificing your happiness for a paycheck?

Maybe you're even being paid extremely well but are you happy? If you want to learn how to be successful you must learn to work for yourself. Start your own home based business, heck there is so much money to be made on the internet if you haven't already started your own online home based business what's stopping you?

Surround Yourself With Winners

"You can either dine with the dogs or fly with the eagles"

If you really want to learn how to be successful in life, you must examine who you CHOOSE to surround yourself with and if they are not doing anything with their lives it's time to make some changes.

Find yourself a mentor who is already successful in life who is willing to help you become more successful you will subconsciously pick up their winning thoughts, beliefs, and attitude which will in turn help you become a more successful person.

About The Author: Jayson Shawver is an Empowered Entrepreneur who specializes in helping people achieve ultimate success in life in all areas. If you'd like to learn step by step how to become more successful in life and how to set yourself financially free please visit: http://www.JaysonShawver.com.

Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals

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Succeed: How We Can Reach Our GoalsJust in time for New Year's resolutions, learn how to reach your goals-finally-by overcoming the many hurdles that have defeated you before.

Most of us have no idea why we fail to reach our goals. Now Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson, a rising star in the field of social psychology shows us how to overcome the hurdles that have defeated us before.

Dr. Grant Halvorson offers insights-many surprising-that readers can use immediately, including how to:

• Set a goal so that you will persist even in the face of adversity
• Build willpower, which can be strengthened like a muscle
• Avoid the kind of positive thinking that makes people fail

The strategies outlined in this book will not only help everyone reach their own goals but will also prove invaluable to parents, teachers, coaches, and employers. Dr. Grant Halvorson shows readers a new approach to problem solving that will change the way they approach their entire lives.

Price: $25.95

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Success Is Not an Accident: Change Your Choices; Change Your Life

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Success Is Not an Accident: Change Your Choices; Change Your LifeTommy Newberry's best-selling Success Is Not an Accident (self-published in 1999) has helped over 100,000 readers achieve higher levels of success in both their personal and professional lives. Reminiscent of best-selling authors Stephen Covey and John Maxwell, Newberry teaches readers the power of goal setting, time management, visualization, and “self-talk” so they can achieve peak levels of performance in all areas of their lives.

Price: $13.99

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Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

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Success Through A Positive Mental AttitudeYour mind has a secret invisible talisman. On one side is emblazoned the letters PMA (positive mental attitude) and on the other the letters NMA (negative mental attitude). A positive attitude will naturally attract the good and the beautiful. The negative attitude will rob you of all that makes life worth living.

Your success, health, happiness, and wealth depend on how you make up your mind!

When motivational pioneer Napoleon Hill and millionaire CEO W. Clement Stone teamed up to form one of the most remarkable partnerships of all time, the result was Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, the phenomenon that proposed to the world that with the right attitude, anyone can achieve his or her dreams.

Now this remarkable book is available for the twenty-first century. You, too, can take advantage of the program that has brought success to generations of people seeking -- and finding -- a better way to live.

Price: $14.99

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Success: Advice for Achieving Your Goals from Remarkably Accomplished People

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Success: Advice for Achieving Your Goals from Remarkably Accomplished PeopleHow did Hillary Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, Jeffrey Bezos, David Sedaris, and Macy Gray get where they are today - and how can you get the same edge?

Success is a collection of insights from more than 400 remarkably successful people in all fields - including business, politics, entertainment, and the arts. Here are quotes and passages from J.K. Rowling and Federico Fellini on getting started, and Steve Jobs and Tiger Woods on passion. Here, too, are George Lucas and Bill Clinton on goals, Katie Couric and George Foreman on competition, and Edmund Hillary and Carly Fiorina on leadership.

The high achievers quoted here share one crucial belief: Success is possible as long as there's passion. If you know where you want to be but not how to get there, use Success as your guide.

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How to Become Successful in Life

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Is it your dream to become successful? I picture that most people in our world have a dream to achieve success in life. Not many achieve their dream, but what about the rest? Do you know how to become successful? Do you have a yearning to become more successful? If that is the case, then allow me to take you on a journey where we will find out how to become successful in life.

What does it mean to achieve success in life?

Each one of us is unique, and becoming successful consequently means something different to each one of us.


    Certain persons desire to be rich.
    Certain persons desire to be famous.
    Certain persons desire to do extremely well in sports.
    Certain persons desire to be big corporation presidents.
    Certain persons desire to be great statesmen.
    Certain persons desire to attain high grades in their studies.
    Certain persons desire to receive a university degree.
    Certain persons desire to complete marine boot camp.
    Certain persons desire to win a marathon race.
    Certain persons desire to complete a marathon race.
    Certain persons desire to author a book.
    Certain persons desire to establish and operate a lucrative small company.
    Certain persons desire to provide food aid to a famished people in a third-world country.
    Certain persons desire to ascend the highest mountains on our planet.

It is obvious that there are plenty of views of what is defined by success. However, it is important to recognize and comprehend what success means to YOU. It will make your journey to understand how to become successful much simpler.

How would YOU like to become successful?

Take some time, think hard and write down your list of how you want to become successful in life.

If you know what success is, why have you not become successful yet? Yes, this is a very sensitive issue, and at times it hurts to face it. Why are certain people successful and others not? Is it something in our make-up; something in our genes that prevent us from excelling in life? Or is it something that we can change and turn around? Is it simply because you do not know how to become successful?

It is true that certain aspects of our lives can't be changed and some aspects are awfully hard to modify. A person may have been born with specific disabilities that make it impossible to carry out certain actions. For example, although there are many blind people who can do amazing things without their eyesight, there are some actions and occupations where there is no substitute for proper vision, such as being a fighter aircraft pilot.

Furthermore, a person may not have the talent to execute certain tasks well, although lack of talent did not prevent many persons to become successful. For example, there are a few international pop stars who do not have exceptional singing voices, but they make up for that deficiency in other areas, such as with amazing songs, on-stage presence, on-stage gimmicks, brilliant marketing, etc.


Most people in the world quote lack of MONEY as their number one excuse for not being successful. Nevertheless, entrepreneurs like Honda's founder, Soichiro Honda, Sony Corporation's founder, Akio Morita and even Apple's founder, Steve Jobs, have proven them wrong.

TIME is the next most universal resource that people say they are short of for not becoming successful. However, all of us operate by the same clock; and all of us have the same 24 hours in every day. Consequently, everyone must possess the ability to plan and manage how we utilize time that either produces results, or lack of results.

Then there are persons who state that they do not have the TALENT or the ABILITY to become successful. Two South African Paralympic athletes have proven them wrong. Oscar Pistorius and Natalie du Toit are both disabled athletes who regularly compete against able-bodied athletes.

Oscar Pistorius is known as the "Blade Runner" and "the fastest man on no legs". Oscar is the double amputee world record holder in the 100, 200 and 400 metres (sport class T44) events and runs with the aid of Flex-Foot carbon fibre transtibial artificial limbs. In 2007 Oscar took part in his first international able-bodied competitions. At the 2008 Summer Paralympics, he took the gold medals in the 100, 200 and 400 metres (T44) sprints.

Natalie du Toit is a South African swimmer whose left leg was amputated at the knee after a motorcycle accident. When she qualified to compete at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, she became the first female amputee swimmer ever to qualify for the Olympics, where she placed 16th in a field of 24 in the 10,000m swim. She also took part in the 2008 Summer Paralympics, winning 5 Gold Medals.

And so there are numerous of other excuses that people mention for not becoming successful.

"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome. - Samuel Johnson"

What are YOUR excuses for not becoming successful? Be honest about yourself. Think hard and write your excuses down or add them to the list if you want. What are the steps to teach us how to become successful?

Adam Khoo provides us with the 6 steps of the Ultimate Success Formula in his book "Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny: Proven Strategies that Empower You to Achieve Anything You Want in Life":

    Step 1. Be Very Specific about Your Goal
    Step 2. Develop a Strategy
    Step 3. Take Consistent Action
    Step 4. Turn Failure into Feedback
    Step 5. An Empowering Belief System
    Step 6. Values: Our Driving Force


Adam Khoo states that all those apparent limitations as tinted by our excuses are just false impressions. The fact is that we all have everything we need to be successful. We just have to study how to utilize it. And in this book, he teaches exactly how it's done.


Do you feel that you are you caught up in a stressed and monotonous existence, without any chance of achieving success in your life? Click here for more resources to assist you to get out of the doldrums.

The intensity of your desire governs the power with which the force is directed. -- John McDonald.

Also click here and find out how you can turn your life around by designing your destiny.

How to Become Successful in Life - 3 Secrets You Cannot Miss

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Do you want to learn how to become successful in life? In this article, you will discover the 3 secrets that will help you to achieve your dreams and your goals and be successful in your life. What you need to do right now is to follow through and apply these secrets into your life.

Before you discover these secrets, you need to have these 2 basic elements to success. They are determination and commitment. If you are not determined to succeed and not committed to take action, you will never achieve what you want even though you have a proven formula at hand. So here are the 3 secrets...

1. Always think about the success you want in your life. Some people call this visualization. You have to understand that most people are not determined to achieve what they want in their life simply because they are not thinking about what they want most of the time. This is also the biggest difference between successful people and ordinary people. Successful people think about what they want most of the time and if you want to be like them, and then think just like them.

2. Know what you want to achieve in your life and write it down in a piece of paper. Do not underestimate goal setting. It is one of the most powerful techniques that will help you in achieving what you want. However, it is also one of the most under-use techniques. Thus, use this technique and leverage on its power to help you to achieve your dreams.

3. The final secret that I am going to share with you is not a secret. It is taking consistent action everyday. Once you wrote down your goals, brainstorm and think about what you should do in order to achieve your goals. Write down your strategies and take action according to your strategies. Nothing will happen automatically. You need to do something in order for your dreams to come true. Even if it is as easy as waving a magic wand, you still need to take action and wave the wand.

Stop spending anymore time and effort into something that does not work. Learn the real guaranteed strategies that will make you successful. Achieving what you want and becoming successful in life is not something difficult or complicated. As long as you follow through a proven system or method, you will definitely achieve what you really want in your life.

Learn How To Be Successful In Life by using proven and guaranteed strategies I shared in my website. Acquire them and apply them into your life, and you will never live a mediocre life another day...

How to Become Successful Online

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Becoming successful online is a dream of many online surfers. It can be rather frustrating when you're looking for answers but can't seem to find them. I'm sure you have had many run-ins with self acclaimed Guru's, telling you how to be successful, but you just can't see it come to reality.

There are many things that determines if and why you will become successful. Many times it's because You as an individual have no idea of how to measure success. If what you're aiming to accomplish does not have measurable goals, it is rather hard to know if your on your way to becoming successful.

So how do You measure success; is it how rich you can become, or how well know your are, or it may be your financial status. Sorry to say, these aren't real measurable ways to know if you are successful. You first need to set measurable goals for example If your desire is to make money online, then you need to set a daily goal, do you wish to make $100 dollars a day, how and what are you going to do to achieve this. Am I dedicated to do the work it takes to achieve this?

These are things you need to bear in mind when you think about success. Being successful doesn't mean your only looking to make money, but also includes achieving spiritual, and social success. Just how self propelled are you. Are you easily motivated? Do You get bored easily? What inspires you? Find an inspiration to motivate you is key to success.

There are no short cuts to success, it must be worked at continuously as it is a every constant process. Many fail because of a lack of focus, and not knowing what they need to achieve. Set your goals and stick to them. Moving from one thing to another only leaves room for failure and frustration. You don't need to be frustrated in any shape or form as frustration is like a poison dart it slowly demotivates you, eventually taking all your energy leaving you in a stagnant status.

So just how do you become successful? What you're hoping to achieve must be measurable, this is what will allow you to be aware of your progress and and give you that drive to continue, also allowing you to know what adjustments need to be made to better achieve your goals. Once you have noticeable progress then that will give you a reason to continue working at your goals.

Having the mind-set of success is not easily attained, ever heard the saying, easier said than done. It's easy to speak about success but it much harder to achieve success. Don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk. Do what you say you're going to do don't just say it.

You can say it and believe it, but I will say this to you without action success can never and I repeat never be attained. How can you say I'm going to lose weight and not want to exercise or take go on some kind of diet. How can you say I'll be an honor roll student and not study to achieve it. How can you say I will become rich with working, on what's necessary to make you become rich.

Your dreams should are only to motivate you to take action. The power is in your hands, You'll be amazed when you start to take action.

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The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill

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The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon HillThe Law of Success was a precursor to Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. Hill was well known for researching what made millionaires different from the common man. The sixteen lessons in this book perfectly crystallize everything you will need to know to succeed during these hard economic times. Many of today's best known self help books take there core concepts form this book. The Secret, the Power of Positive Thinking, the Millionaire next door, and The Law of Attraction all take their basic premises from this landmark work. Now you can get it from the source. Once you've read this book you will understand what gives certain people an edge over everyone else. By following the advice laid out clearly herein you'll be the one with an edge. It's time to stop wondering what it's like to be rich and start knowing. This book has changed countless lives and it can change yours! Unlike many of the other editions on the market today, this edition is complete and unabridged! Wilder Publications is a green publisher. All of our books are printed to order. This reduces waste and helps us keep prices low while greatly reducing our impact on the environment.

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How to Get Success in Life

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Do you want to get success in life? If you are reading this right now, it simply means that you want to achieve great results and produce amazing success in your life. What you are going to discover in this article are the 5 proven steps how to get success in life.

Achieving what you want in your life is not something difficult as long as you follow through these 5 proven steps below...

1. First, know your outcome. In other word, you must know exactly what you want to achieve in the first place. If you do not know what you want to accomplish in your life, you will never be able to achieve it. You cannot hit a target that you cannot see.

Most people live an average life simply because they do not know exactly what they want in their life. They will follow the trend or they will simply take the suggestion from their friends and that is why they are living an average life. Successful people, on the other hand, know exactly what they want and they focus all their energy and travel in the direction to get to their desired destination.

2. Next, set it as a goal. Once you knew what you want to accomplish in your life, use the power of goal setting to help you to condition what you want into your subconscious mind. What you have to do is to write down your goals into a piece of paper. Make sure you are as specific as possible and remember to include a deadline for each of your goals.

You can paste this paper somewhere you can see often, bring it along with you or frame it and hang it on the wall. Goal setting works because it helps you to focus on what you want so that you can travel in the right direction. Just like a laser beam, when focused, it can cut through almost anything that lies in front of it.

3. Third, develop a plan on how you can do it. You have to create a strategy plan on what you need to do in order to make your goals come true. For example, if your goal is to score A in chemistry, the action steps you can take are like study chemistry for an hour each day, attend tuition class, spend an hour solving the subject's problems, create a discussion group with your friends and so on and so forth.

The key is to create a schedule so that you can follow through and know what to do when the time come. If you do not know what you can do to achieve your goals, simply search for more information from the internet or just invest in some books that teach you how to do it.

4. Take consistent action. If you want get success in life, you must take action. Nothing is going to happen if you are not doing anything. Just remember this; there is no free lunch in this world. If you want to earn more money, just get out and make some money. Sitting in your home watching television is not going to make you rich. You need to do something to produce the results you want.

Learning how to do something is just a kind of potential. The real power is in applying the knowledge you have. Thus, make sure you take consistent action each and everyday.

5. Finally, review your action and track your results. What you have to do here is to review the results you get after you have taken the action. If you are getting the results that you desire, congratulations. You can either keep on or improve your strategy. You will achieve your goals and make your dreams come true very soon.

However, if you are not getting the results you want, do not give up. Treat the failure as a feedback and change your strategy. When you are not getting the results you want, change your approach of doing things and do it again.

This is how to get success in life. If you follow through these 5 proven steps, you will definitely make your dreams come true and achieve all your goals.

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The Law of Success: The Master Wealth-Builder's Complete and Original Lesson Plan forAchieving Your Dreams

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The Law of Success: The Master Wealth-Builder's Complete and Original Lesson Plan forAchieving Your DreamsHere is the Holy Grail of success philosophy: Napoleon Hill’s complete and original formula to achievement presented in fifteen remarkable principles—now newly designed in a handsome single-volume edition.

This is the master volume of the extraordinary work that began the career of Napoleon Hill. Originally produced by Hill in 1928 as an eight-book series, The Law of Success is now available to contemporary readers in a single edition, redesigned and reset for ease of reading.

The Law of Success is the “golden key” to Hill’s thought—his complete and unabridged mind-power method for achieving your goals. After interviewing dozens of industrialists, diplomats, thought leaders, and successful people from all walks of life, the young Hill distilled what he learned into these fifteen core lessons, organized with an introductory chapter, “The Master Mind,” that serves as a primer to Hill’s overall philosophy.

As Hill saw it, these lessons work as a “mind stimulant” that “will cause the student to organize and direct to a DEFINITE end the forces of his or her mind, thus harnessing the stupendous power which most people waste.”

While future classics of Napoleon Hill would inspire millions of readers, there is no substitute for The Law of Success for everyone who wants to grasp the full range of Hill’s ideas and tap their transformative power.

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How to Measure Success - Can it Be Achieved With Email Marketing?

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No matter what anybody tells you, building a personal customer base for any business, online or otherwise, is what determines how long you will be in business, whether you will be profitable, and if you'll feel gratified with the relationships that have grown out of your desire to meet your customer's needs. This relationship is what brings you return customers for years.

Running a business is not an easy task. In the beginning, it seems you have to work for hours on end. You eat, sleep, and breathe profits. But what you really need to be doing is eat, sleep, and breathe Marketing.

You may already know how very valuable marketing is to ensuring success for your business. You may already spend several thousands of dollars on marketing for your business. But for some, having a small advertising budget really doesn't have to mean failure. This is where having the knowledge about how the internet works will measure that success you've been dreaming of. Hello, there is FREE advertising sites on the internet.

"Dive right in!" These are the words that come to mind if you want to work at home, have several hours a day to commit to work, are self-motivated, and have a little money to invest in yourself as you see your business get off the ground. Initially, that's all it takes! You can work part-time or full-time and see where it goes.

So many people have that misconception to "Dive right in!" Don't get me wrong, that's where it all starts. There is nothing more important than the drive to want to be your own boss, to work from home, and to offer a product to a needy market niche. However, even if you've designed the best website ever or have the best product to offer on the market, or just want to affiliate market someone else's product(s), you will fail if you don't have a good understanding of the value and importance of marketing and your business is doomed before you get it off the ground.

So, email, email, email! This is probably something different than what you've heard it takes to measure success from online marketing, but you've got to know several thing. First of all, your email contact list is a starting point of people you can reach today. Most of them already know you. This is important. Yes, many of them are your friends and family, but you can use this to help your business get off the ground faster. Don't be shy about using them. For whatever reason, they want you to succeed in whatever endeavors you find yourself in. So this is Step One; realizing you already have a loyal customer base. And, if they are willing to reach out by forwarding your business announcement with your website link to their friends and family, they will help you reach out to more and more people. You must be professional in every aspect of your business if you want to succeed. Your first announcement must reflect that.

Someone once said, "Early to bed, Early to Rise...Write like hell and ADVERTISE!" That entrepreneur had it right. That person knew how to measure success! Do you? Do you know what it takes to market your business in today's saturated internet world? There is a whole lot changing and you need to ensure you're not left behind if you want to succeed.

Marketing for your business ensures its' success. For more information on how to market your business to generate more prospects, more traffic, more leads, and more profit, do your part for your business and read this Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Success.

You won't be disappointed with the quality of information and the marketing know-how you will walk away with to guarantee success. Marketing = Success. Read my very own Marketing Tool that I use for My Network Marketing Business [http://www.keys2work.net/internetstaffing].

The Real Truth about Success: What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won't Tell You, and How You Can Do It Anyway!

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The Real Truth about Success:  What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won't Tell You, and How You Can Do It Anyway!

"Everyone is looking for the real in whatever they endeavor. Garrison Wynn went out looking for real answers to real success challenges--and he found them. If you want them, get this book real fast!"
--Jeffrey Gitomer, New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Little Red Book of Selling

Life and business aren’t fair, which is good. If they were, you couldn’t seize the unfair advantage.

Think about it. Is your CEO the smartest person in the company? Is the head of your department more driven than you? Does the leading company in your industry make the best products? Probably not. They all have one thing in common, though: They’re on top of the pile because they discovered and exploited their unfair advantage—and with the help of business expert and motivational dynamo Garrison Wynn, you can do the same.

The Real Truth about Success is the culmination of ten years’ worth of interviews with more than 5,000 top performers in their fields. During the process, Wynn discovered that better brains, a positive attitude, and superior all-around quality rarely drive true success. Rather, the most successful people in the world leverage their unique, distinctive qualities—whatever they may be—to propel themselves to the front of the line.

In The Real Truth about Success, Wynn helps you:

  • Discover (or create) your own personal advantage
  • Align it with the most appropriate goals
  • Transition from self-knowledge to repeatable implementation
  • Relentlessly put your advantage to practical use
  • Bask in the sunshine of well-deserved success

All of us have a personal advantage we can use to stack the cards in our own favor. What’s yours? High intelligence? Good looks? Likability? Great connections? (Your unfair advantage may well be a talent for leveraging other peoples’ unfair advantage.)

Refreshingly (sometimes brutally) honest about what it takes to get to the top, The Real Truth about Success blows the lid off the secret of their success—so you can make it the secret of your success.

Price: $22.95

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The Success Principles(TM): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

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The Success Principles(TM): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

Jack Canfield, cocreator of the phenomenal bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, turns to the principles he's studied, taught, and lived for more than 30 years in this practical and inspiring guide that will help any aspiring person get from where they are to where they want to be.

The Success Principles will teach you how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize all your ambitions. Not merely a collection of good ideas, this book spells out the 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history. Taken together and practiced every day, these principles will transform your life beyond your wildest dreams!

Filled with memorable and inspiring stories of CEOs, world-class athletes, celebrities, and everyday people, The Success Principles will give you the proven blueprint you need to achieve any goal you desire.

Price: $17.99

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It's No Secret - How to Be Successful

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How we experience our world is determined by our thoughts about people and events in our lives. When someone criticizes us, we can choose to take it to heart or we can choose to allow them their opinion and leave it at that. We continually choose what to think. We can let our thoughts ramble on out of control heading toward fear and self doubt or we can choose calming, happy, uplifting, freeing thoughts. Our thoughts are so closely related to our feelings that when we change our thoughts we change our feelings and our life experience.

There are endless choices but I feel the most damaging choice we make is to be swayed by the big "S" word. It originates in the mind rather than in the heart so there's a clue that it might not be the best choice. Heart choices come from a place of well-being, from a place of connection to your highest good. More often than not we are continually making choices between a head choice and a heart choice. The big "S" word is "should". "I should get into work early to appear highly productive", "I should do what my partner expects", "I should volunteer for that project" and on it goes all day every day. The word should, immediately places you in a place of negativity and all choices made from that place do not serve your best interest.  

I believe the feeling the word "should" evokes is very destructive. It conjures guilt and restriction and resentment, all of which are strong negative emotions. These negative emotions develop patterns within us that prevent inspiration and all that is good from flowing to us to help us achieve all the wonderful abundance we deserve.

It is the choices we make on a continual basis everyday that sculpt our world. When you make choices from a place of a loving, giving, open heart space, you allow your world to reflect that back to you. Likewise the opposite will occur. Negative, restrictive thought patterns will attract experiences of that nature. This is a world of attraction and that which you focus on will increase. Therefore it is your best interest to stay focused in loving place as much as possible.

Well how do I choose between two things when I don't want either of them I hear you ask? Good question. This is when you call on your understanding of consequences to help. You can turn all choices around to come from a place of "I choose" rather than "I feel forced" which is what "should" is all about. When you understand that you are making the choice and you are not being forced by anyone, you realize that you are acting form an empowered place that is open to great potential for good things to happen.

Here's an example of how to eliminate a should. Consider you have two choices, but either one will make someone unhappy. The trick is to choose the one you feel makes you feel the best. There are always consequences of our actions so choose the decision that has the consequences you feel you can best live with.

Your dialogue might go something like this.

I feel obligated to do"X" but if I do this thing I will be totally miserable and the whole event will be a disaster. If I don't do "X" then the other person will feel bad but I will feel relief.I will feel upset for making the other person feel bad but my sense of relief of not doing "X" will out weigh my sadness.


I don't want to do "X ", but if I do "X" the other person will feel bad and this will hurt me more than if I did "X" so I choose to do "X".

On the surface it may appear that you feel you have no choice but that is never the case. Many decisions may seem illogical and inappropriate when you start honoring what feels right for you, but I believe in the long run if you are at peace with your decisions all will be well.

There will always be one choice that you believe to be the least painful. It maybe that others will disagree with your choices but the key is you have to feel it is the one best for you. Make the choices from what feels right in your heart, not what appears to be logical. It may sound obvious but once you start listening to the "shoulds" in life you will muffle the internal guidance you have that points you in the direction of what is best for your own happiness.

Some of you may think that this is a shallow and even selfish way to approach life. But consider this, negative emotions will create negative events and positive emotions will create positive events. It is not within our power to know how the Universe will bring these positive changes into our lives but it is true that sometimes it is more healthy and takes more courage to say no to a "should" than is does to give in to it. When you act from love you know you are acting from the right place. Sometimes the hardest thing is to act with love toward yourself and not surrender to the big "S".

Increase your happiness level and you will be well on your way to enjoying Advanced Success in all areas of your life as what you give your attention to will surely multiple.



Gaynor Parke is CEO of Advanced Success Life Coaching and believes "you are the key to your success". With over 25 years of Personal Development study and vast business knowledge Gaynor is well equipped to assist people in all walks of life

Clients can achieve increased confidence, relationship and communication skills, reduced stress, greater clarity when faced with life's challenges, more vitality and zest for life plus a sense of peace and contentment.

Join Gaynor's Inspiration Lounge on her website and receive fortnightly coaching tips absolutely FREE plus her FREE EBook on entitled "8 Powerful Steps To Make a More Successful Life"

With a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE and FREE introductory session you have every reason to contact Gaynor today at http://www.advancedsuccesslifecoaching.com.au.

The Success System That Never Fails

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The Success System That Never Fails2011 Reprint of 1962 Illustrated Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. W. Clement Stone was a phenomenal salesperson who built built a great company -- the United States Casualty Company. He was also a close friend of Napoleon Hill and co-author with Hill of Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude. In The Success System That Never Fails, Stone shares his story as well as many other success stories. The key to Stone's success actually lies in the title of his book -- The System. Stone believed the key components of a success systems that never fails are (1) inspiration to action; (2) know how; and (3) activity knowledge. The system should be managed based on a record of "success indicators", which was his sales log. The system should be constructed by documenting what works, including phrases that customers respond to. His first key phrase was his sales opening -- "I believe this will interest you also." When the customer responded, "What is it?" he had the opening for his sales presentation. He developed a two-page form letter and two circulars for direct mail that he used for recruiting for many years in his business, and a screening process for hiring salespeople. One of Stone's key concepts is, you are subject to your environment. Thefore, select the best environment that will best develop you toward your desired objective. He also said that sales are contingent on the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect. To keep priorities in order, that money shouldn't be the main objective, his favorite quote is from Alexis Carroll, a French scientist, "When a man understands that the aim of life is not material profit, but life itself, he ceases to fix his attention exclusively on the external world." The Success System That Never Fails is another self-improvement classic that should be on your reading list.

Price: $7.95

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Law of Attraction Success - How to Attract Success Into Your Life

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Many people study the law of attraction and instantly believe that they can create any type of life they desire to create. This belief is entirely true and possible, but before you start applying the law of attraction in your own life, you should know that you can create an experience you want to avoid by using the law of attraction just as easily as you can create an experience that you do want. The following article will talk about how you can give your attention to what you want in order to acquire law of attraction success. In most cases, people can easily achieve any goal they set their minds to. Many people will often focus on what they do not want when they try to achieve their goals though. This means, most people attract experiences that they do not want when they are attempting to achieve their goals. If you desire to achieve your goals, all you need to do is direct all of your attention towards what you truly want.

It may seem practically impossible to avoid giving your attention to what you don't want in this contrasting world though. Whenever you happen to find yourself giving attention to a subject that you don't want more of, such as the opposite of success, simply adjust your point of attention to what you truly do want, success. As you perform this process, you will attract more of what you want and less of what you don't want. Success can be achieved with ease. In fact, success is just as easy to achieve as failure is. If you wish to achieve success, simply keep your mind consistently focused on what you desire to achieve. As you focus on the good feeling thoughts you have in your mind, you will be able to consistently move your life towards successful outcomes.

If you want to achieve success in particular, there are many different paths you can take to increase the success you experience throughout your life. Most average people are capable of achieving a grand amount of success by simply eliminating thoughts that relate to failure from their thought processes. If you could simply avoid giving thought to failure, you will almost certainly achieve success in any venture you take on. The easiest way to achieve success specifically though, is by giving your attention to the outcome you desire to create.

If you are like most people though, it is likely that you will consistently find yourself focusing on the worst possible outcomes. Many people consistently focus on the worst possible outcomes, and they consistently find themselves experiencing the worst possible outcomes too. If you wish to achieve more success than the average person, you should definitely move your focus away from the worst possible outcomes, and give your attention to the best possible outcomes.

The best aspect of giving your attention to positive outcomes is the fact that you will begin to attract more thoughts that relate to the subject of success. As you attract experiences and thoughts that relate to success, keeping your focus on success will become easier as well. The best way to maintain your focus on success is by practicing giving thought to positive outcomes that can result from your venture. As you consistently practice giving thought to the positive outcomes that can result from your venture, you will continually attract thoughts that relate to success, and more successful life experiences too.

Basically, in order to acquire law of attraction success, simply give your thoughts and your attention to the outcome of success. As you consistently give your thoughts and your attention to the outcome of success, the outcome of success will become inevitable.

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Measuring Your Success - How Do You Do It?

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The measurement for success varies from person to person. Because of the reason that different people give different definitions for success, their measure also varies depending on the thought they have towards it. For most the measurement for success is money. Money is always mentioned in relation to measuring professional, business, company, career, etc success.

However, is that really the case?

In his book, My life and work, Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company and one of the most successful men in history said the following;

Money is only a tool in business. It is just a part of the machinery. Page 71

Many people put the place of money as the master of their life. They measure their successes and failures according to the number they make. If they make good money, they may think they are successful. If they do not, they feel they lost. However, as Henry Ford puts it Money is only a tool. More explained, it is just part of the machinery.

So what defines and measures success?

Dr. John C. Maxwell one of prominent Leadership experts defines success as:

Success is... Knowing your purpose in life, Growing to reach your maximum potential, and Sowing seeds that benefit others. Attitude 101, page 87

If you think you get power by accumulating money, and do less on developing your personal character, building positive influence on others and share whatever you have with people, you are as Henry Ford puts it a fool.

There are two fools in this world. One is the millionaire, who thinks that by hoarding money he can somehow accumulate real power, and the other is the penniless reformer who thinks that if only he can take the money from one class and give it to another, all the worlds ills will be cured. Page 121

Money is not the only thing you need in life. There are millions of things that you can not buy with your money. Very simple example, your money can not buy you people who really love you or be loyal for you in your bad days. Well, you may buy people who may pretend as if they care for you as long as you have your money around. Literally, these people love your money. Not you at all.

Therefore, be careful when you measure your success. Success is not accumulating money. Money could be one indicator for success. For example, if you are running a business fairly, and people buy from you not because they do not have another choice but they love your service or product, your profit may indicate that you are doing things good. This is good. You may think you are on the road to success.

However the measure for your success is your initial goal. What was the first goal you want to achieve when you begin? Measure your success from that point. How does that benefit others? How are you contributing to the people around you? How are you affecting people positively? Measure your success in accordance with that.

If you define or measure success in terms of monetary terms, well, what good is that you have all the money in the world and do not have real people around you in your good and sad times? Or what good is that you do less or none to the benefit of other people and grow self centered? The more you become self centered, the more you run away from satisfaction and fulfillment, and of course success.

Visit Youth in Part magazine at http://www.youthinpart.com a social magazine which deals about LIFE in a big picture. Different life matters such as marriage, family, money, love, beauty, art and so much more are discussed here intensively. Hanna Shiferaw is the Editor of Youth in Part magazine.

Poems About Success - How Poems About Success Can Help You Succeed

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Poems, quotes, Haikus and Poe's work might just be another artistic piece to you. However, you might have overlooked at the purpose of some of these poems and quotes. All poems have literal messages embedded in them. Poems about success, hardships, relationships and motivation are just some of the more common topics that poets of all generation like to meddle with. This is where the power of poems about success is realized. These poems about success can work as fine as your popular success quotes if you know how to use them properly.

The reason why success quotes are much more popular and more recognized is because it is definitely easier to memorize and understand a string of words than to remember the 4 or 5 stanzas of poem. But nevertheless, this does not mean that people appreciate success poems less than success quotes.

In order to make full use of poems about success, we will first have to learn how to read them and understand fully. Of course, if you are having tough luck on understanding any of the poems, than try heading out for simpler and modernized success poems. Centuries-old poems tend to be more colorful and creative, but however, they might not be very relevant to your current society. Hence, a poem from a recent poet would definitely do the trick.

Poems about success can really help you as they are actually your silent motivators that help to keep you on the edge of your seat at all times. When the going gets tough and there is no one to spur you on, poems about success will help to give you the extra edge and hence pushing you to move ahead instead of slugging on the same negative thoughts continuously.

Everyone wants his or her fair share of success. Be it in business, studies or relationship, everyone wants to get the best out of what they are doing in life. Well, you can of course turn to success quotes, as they tend to be more direct. However, most people still prefer success poems over success quotes as poems help you to understand the meaning of success on a deeper level, unlike that of quotes, which only provides the understanding of success on surface level.

There are over thousands of success poems out there, so all you need to do is to choose 1 and keep it by your side at all times. Over time, you will realize that the words from these poems will act as positive affirmations and keep your motivation level sky-rocketing high and you will realize that you will be more determined and focused to achieve what ever you want out of life.

As cheesy as it might sound, these success poems works great on everyone. All you need to do is to read these poems from time to time with an open mind. Success does not fall on your lap when you ask for it. You have to work it inside out - you got to earn it. Learn to do what ever it takes to be the Successful Man that you have been dreaming of. Just a word of caution: It might take a few years before you hit the peak, but it is definitely worth the effort, time and energy!

Click Here to grab your FREE copy of the Mind Secrets Exposed Leaked Chapters. Discover the revolutionary mind power methods that you can implement to literally 'reprogram' your mind for success.

Seven Ways on How to Be Successful

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Why does success look so easy for someone else and not yourself? Why are people so easy to get whatever they want? While, even if you've tried so hard, but what you've got is not what you wanted.

Failure is the wisest teacher. Successful people are those who continue to try, although they have experienced many failures. They never stop trying and trying again. Life for them is the opportunity to achieve success. The following tips are excerpted from the results of a study of successful people. How to be successful person?

The first is "luck". Many People think that success happens by coincidence. According to Edward D'Bono, there are successful people because of a good luck. For instance, a person suddenly had the lottery with worth of USD $ 1 million or married with a very wealthy person. So did in terms of business, a person or company suddenly get a lot of orders. Three examples above are the success because of a coincidence.

The second is "very talented". People become successful because they do have extraordinary capabilities in all sides, one real example is Mozart. In the age of four he was able to play the piano with remarkable skill. Mozart is one example of a "very talented". Another example is Richard Claiderman, a modern pianist who is also very talented in his field. In the field of sports, one of the examples is Tiger Woods, a very talented golfer.

The third is "you are on a growing business sector". You are successful because of doing business in the sector that is growing rapidly. For example, people who do business of computer in the year 1985 most of them are relatively successful. The people who do the business of Internet most of them also get success. If you do business in a growing sector, the possibility to be successful will be greater.

The fourth is the "confidence". Successful people must have self confidence. With no doubt, they are sure that they will get what they want if they have been doing the best. They also realize; the best work will result in compensation for them.

The fifth is "enjoying what they are doing". They were able to see work as fun, they chose to work where they can excel. Successful people love a challenge; they enjoy the achievement of their game, both at work, playing music or on the football field.

The sixth is the "lifelong learners". They realize that education never ends but it starts at every level of life and continues until the end of the life. Education is not limited only in the classroom, it means trying new ideas, reading books, newspapers, magazines and using the Internet as a form of education as well. Because of that, keep running according to changes in interest and your abilities, as well as enjoy the change. This will help you to grow and feel more confident.

The seventh is "you must be little bit mad". Successful people want to take risks. They attempt to reach the target, by doing something new or doing some strange experiments and they do not afraid to take risks to succeed. You must be little mad if you want to achieve success. Doing something a bit mad doesn't mean doing a negative thing.

Success, triumph or whatever its name is a process. The process does not reach with ease. Success is the result of commitment and continuous process to achieve a goal.

The loyalty of doing the process is the key. Although it looks cliches, but it's real. In life, all things do not always run perfectly. But it does not mean we should be quiet or give up on fate. The seven ways on how to be successful person above may be able to help you to get success.

For more information on how to be successful, please visit howto-be.com.

Success - How To Be Successful At Anything You Do By Following These Simple Tips

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Everyone hopes that they will be successful in at least one area of their life. But how do you become successful? Is it hard work, education, family connections, or a combination of all of these? The answer may surprise you.

Being successful comes from a feeling and belief deep inside of you. If you are willing to challenge yourself, take the extra step, follow through with what you start, and believe in yourself, success can be yours.

Success can be defined in many ways. For our purposes we will say that someone is successful when they have achieved any goal that they have set out to fulfill. Success can only be measured by the person attempting to achieve; success to one person will be different than success to another.

Becoming successful occurs over a period of time. Someone may be working toward running a marathon and will consider that they have been successful when they complete the race within a certain amount of time. By planning out the necessary steps to accomplish this goal, they will be on their way to success. By challenging themselves to finish the race, making sure they have trained adequately and appropriately, following through with an exercise and diet regime leading up to the race, and believing they can be successful, they have a much greater than average chance of being successful.

These steps can be applied to any area of life that you wish to excel and be successful in. Spend the necessary time to make a plan and carry it out and success will be yours.

Connie Ragen Green is a motivational speaker and author. Visit her at http://www.ReinventYourLifeWithPassion.com

Success - How To Find Success In Your Life

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One of the first things that you have to do to achieve success in your life is to begin questioning what you know. This may seem contrary to popular belief but that's exactly the point. Most people don't succeed in life because they choose to believe everything they have been told.

However, if you look at the prevailing conventional thoughts, you will find that they are average, mediocre and teach you nothing about how to rise above the norm to have true success. Jacob Chanowski once said, 'It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot, irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to question it.'

Likewise, you are a student of life. If you merely follow the crowds and never question whether it is the best way to do things, then you will never find success in life. The reason most people don't do this is because in school you are taught to never question the teacher about what they are teaching. Instead, you are to just learn what is being taught. If you don't do as you're told then you will fail your test and not pass the course.

Change the way that you do things. Begin to question whether or not you have been doing things correctly to achieve success even if everyone around you is telling you that you are doing it right. Two things can happen because of this.

1. You realize that they way you have been doing things is the right way. However, you are no longer just doing them because that's the way you have been told to do them. You now have an understanding about why this is the best way.

2. You realize that you have been doing things totally wrong and that if you continue doing things in the same way you will never reach the success you want in life. You then begin to seek out the best ways to achieve success even if it goes beyond conventional wisdom and what those close to you think you should do.

Either way, you still come out ahead. You will either discover why what you are doing is right or you find out that it's wrong and begin to find the right way. If success in life were achieved by conventional thoughts, everyone would be successful!

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