Why You Should Never Quit

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If there is one thing that most of us are consistently taught when we were growing up, it is that we should never give up, no matter how hard a particular task is. This task can be anything, such as playing a game, wanting to own a successful business, studying for a driver's license, and any other dream that we might be looking to make a reality. Now while this has been constantly hammered into our heads, have you ever wondered why you should never quit?

To truly understand the power of never quitting when trying to accomplish something, it is important to understand why you get that feeling of wanting to give up. In most cases, it is usually because somewhere along the line a particular task becomes too difficult. When this occurs, you naturally become frustrated, angry, and disheartened. In addition, there is also the possibility that the people around you begin to lose faith in you, thus making you feel even less capable of accomplishing a particular task. When all of this happens, the first natural response is to quit.

Now if you look at all that has happened, everything that led you to quitting was a negative thought or action. In most cases, your decision was based purely on emotion and nothing else. What you do not realize is that by quitting, you are actually stopping yourself from moving forward and learning something new. Instead, you are only ever able to accomplish something up to that point and no more. When a particular thing becomes too challenging for you, it simply means that you are entering a situation where you are finally able to learn something brand-new. So in fact, you should see these extremely challenging situations as something exciting, because it means that you are finally reaching an area of your life that is now allowing you to learn something new.

Instead of quitting, you should calm yourself down, forget about what other people think, and look at the situation from an objective point of view. By taking this approach, you will find that problem solving becomes easier, which in turn will help you to figure out how to deal with this new situation that is now facing you. Once you do this, you will then be able to learn how to deal with it effectively, even if it means you have to fall down a few times before getting it right. The best part is that once you figure it out, only then will you truly understand the reason why you should never quit, no matter how challenging a situation seems.

Andy Pitt

Visit my blog at http://www.andypitt.com/

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