What Is Your Mission?

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Hello Everyone!

This article is all about establishing your MISSION STATEMENT-your personal mission statement and/or your professional mission statement. I had an exciting three days recently speaking to 200 Irish pub owners from all around the world. It was truly a great experience! For all of those pub owners, this mission statement exercise is great to do with your staff and management. Every business owner that is reading this needs a clear, compelling, and passionate mission statement that is shared with the entire company on a regular basis.

Many people go through their entire life lacking the clarity and the drive to live the wonderful successful life they are entitled to! They bounce through life allowing life and circumstances to happen to them rather than grabbing life by the horns and charging at it with a vision that is crystal clear! Establishing a mission statement personally and professionally allows you to keep charging and keeps you focused on the turbulent path to success. Success is not easy. It is not a straight line. It is a zigzag of success and failures. Your mission statement is there to keep you charging in the right direction. When you hit a bump and you get off course, you get back up and start charging at your mission statement! People with a clear mission statement, clear core values and written out goals will achieve success faster, eliminate distractions, and prevent burn out! They will charge confidently and passionately towards their dreams!

Before you think a mission statement is some pie in the sky concept that isn't practical I want you to think of awesome mission statements! In the book, "Built to Last," James Collins talks about a "BHAG," a big hairy audacious goal! According to Collins, a "BHAG" is clear, compelling, and serves to unify a focal point of effort with a clear goal or finish line. Examples of big hairy audacious goals: A computer on every desk in every home in America, running Microsoft software. Another example is Amazon with Kindle: Every book ever printed, in any language, all available in less than 60 seconds. Those are both huge goals!

What is your big goal going to be? How can you set clear goals without a clear mission? You can't! There is a reason you are here. You have something exciting to achieve in your life. Success is waiting for you; you need to decide what you want. A better business. Increased sales. To sail the world. Happier relationships. More money in the bank. Your dream job. Your dream home. All of these things are possible in your lifetime, but you must first decide what you really want and set it in stone. Success is not a matter of luck, accident, or fate. The first step to getting what you want is to decide what you are living for and what you want to achieve in your life.

You are the captain of your own ship. It doesn't matter if that ship is a company or your personal life; you get to decide where to go and how you want to get there. You wouldn't just jump on the boat and start sailing. You would determine where you want to go, when you will get there and you would use tools to stay on course! Developing your mission statement helps you stay on course, reading this email once a week helps you stay on course, attending seminars and reading success books keep you on course. First, you must decide where you want to go.

Start with the tough questions:
What do you want to be remembered for when you are gone?
What services or skills do you want to be known for?
What can you do that would make you stand out from the rest of the world?
When you visualize your success what makes you most excited?
What are you the best at providing?

Here is the Kildare's Mission Statement. Every employee in the company has it memorized. It protects our brand, our customers and our employees. It keeps our company focused on what we want to do best and it reminds our staff why they are in our pub.

"To consistently provide an authentic Irish experience to our guests and to exceed their expectations for quality, service and atmosphere."

Our big hairy audacious goal was: "To become recognized as one of the top 10 Irish Pubs in the world in 5 Years." (We were ranked 7th by a major travel publication 3 years ago!) Our latest big hairy audacious goal is to franchise Kildare's across the entire country.

Utilize these tools and ideas to start putting your own mission statement together. Do you want to have the best Irish pub in New York City? Then build it into your mission statement and share it with all your staff. Do you want to be the best realtor in California? Then everyone you come in touch with must know this is your goal. Do you want to be the best author in a certain arena? Do you want to be the best financial planner in your state? Then start building that reputation and deliver exceptional results.

ACTION STEPS: I am challenging you to rip up your old boring mission statement and write one with meaning, passion, vision and something that excites you! Think about your goals, your ambitions, and the most exciting life you can live and put it on paper! Focus on what you desire not what you fear!

1. Decide on your life Mission Statement: What do you want to be remembering when you are 80 years old, what do you want to be remembered for when you are gone?

2. Make a clear professional Mission Statement: If you own your own company, share it with every staff member, post it all over your office and strive everyday to live your mission statement. If you work in a company that already has a mission statement share your professional mission statement with your boss, manager and make sure it is congruent with your goals. If the company mission statement stinks, help them rewrite it and energize your company!

3. Think BIG! Think of being the best! Think of giving back! Remember if you give, love and serve others during your life you will always be rewarded!


Dave Magrogan is the CEO of Kildare's Irish Pubs, Doc Magrogan's Oyster House, Two Men and a Truck Moving Company, and Rhino Living Consulting and Training Group. By clearing the mental clutter, using his subconscious mind, applying the "Laws of the Jungle" and setting big, audacious "Rhino" goals, he has built a 20 million dollar empire in just a few short years! Visit the Rhino Living web page at http://www.rhinoliving.com/ to find out how Rhino Living can help you!

View the original article here


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