Unfolding Your Agile Self

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Do you ever wonder what you really have to offer the workplace? What knowledge, talents, and skills do you possess that could benefit others? You see, others will recognize whatever is placed before them in an inviting proposition. It's usually not that others fail to recognize what you have to offer, it's-you guessed it-yourself! Awareness starts at home, with the best measure of what special contribution you make essentially because of your unique person. Agility is the capacity to be open to changes and to roll with the punches to bring out your best resources to fit the challenge at hand.

"How do I use who I am on earth for a purpose that's bigger than myself?" asked Oprah Winfrey in her Newsweek article on leadership for the 21st century. "My answer always comes back to self. There is no moving up and out into the world unless you are fully acquainted with who you are. You cannot move freely, speak freely, act freely, be free unless you are comfortable with yourself." Jack and Suzy Welch, in their opinion column appearing in Business Week, made a similar point when they referred to authenticity as "the foremost quality business leaders must possess."

Each of us has more to offer than we realize. Our age, race, gender, and educational achievements do identify us. Given our age, gender, race, and so forth, according to simplistic and outmoded thinking, we ought to think in a certain way so as not to upset our place in the status of things; to harbor a certain philosophical approach; to allow others to see our behavior as predictable and easy to manipulate. But becoming more aware of our emotional resources in terms of self-awareness and openness to change (agility), facing the reality of our potential, we can liberate our thinking from this delusion and become much more adaptive to whatever environment we find ourselves.

The sooner you realize that it is up to you and within your control to make a big difference in your life, the sooner things will begin to change for you. This change can be manifested in multiple ways, however, by remaining true to who you are is sure to increase your confidence. This confidence and delivering on commitments results in credibility and credibility ultimately will lend itself toward opportunity.

Don't limit yourself when it comes to what YOU think you can or can't do. Unfold your Agile Self and you will quickly realize what a positive impact you can make!

David Nour is a social networking strategist and one of the foremost thought leaders on the quantifiable value of business relationships. In a global economy that is becoming increasingly disconnected, David and his team are solving global client challenges with Strategic Relationship Planning? and Enterprise Social Networking best practices. http://www.relationshipeconomics.net/

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