The Pixie Dust Syndrome

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Have you been sprinkled with Pixie dust? You know, that special charisma that makes everyone want to be around you, that tells people you are someone going places. Some people just have it, while others strive to get that magical presence all their lives.

I am sure you know someone at work or college who is the most popular person and seems to do no wrong or when they do it just falls off them; the bad stuff just doesn't stick! The person who succeeds at everything they do. Whether it is school, sports, finances, or relationships -- they just never fail. They always came out on top.

Now think about that person for a minute and try to remember the character traits they have. They are always happy and smiling; they never seem to have a bad day; and they always have good things to say. It's like they are a magnet attracting people and good things to their life.

In fact, when bad things do happen, it makes then stronger and more determined to reach their goals. Nothing bothers these people. In the meantime, you are searching for your Tinker Bell and that special Pixie Dust.

Remember that 90 percent of what happens to you is in your mind and only 10 percent is external forces or events. How we react to life is how we will be rewarded. If we have a negative attitude toward life, people will feel that and not want to be around our negative emotions. People want to be around positive people. Change your attitude and change what you receive from life. Change how you treat people and people will treat you differently.

Stop complaining and start being grateful for what you do have and more good will follow. Take a few minutes right now and think about all the good you have in your life. Thank God for your home, your children, your spouse, and whatever else you may have. Make this a daily habit, a quiet time where you can sit and be thankful and let positive thoughts flow through your mind. We must be thankful for what we do have before we can expect more to come to us.

You have the Pixie Dust, you just haven't accessed it. It's in your mind. It's in that 90 percent of your mind that is completely under your control. That's a lot of Pixie Dust. But it only works with positive thoughts and actions. For the next few days count to 10, in your head, before you respond to people and do so with a positive answer. This may be difficult at first but the 10 seconds will stop your normal off - the - cuff negative reaction. If you can't think of something positive to say, don't say anything. You will be amazed how quickly change comes to you.

Just like a magnifying glass can concentrate the rays of the sun so intensely that it can start a fire, magnify your positive thoughts and feelings to start a fire inside you to succeed at whatever you want. Learn to control your thoughts to better yourself to achieve the things you want. Tinker Bells legend says because of her size she could only hold one feeling at a time. We are the same; we can't be happy and mad at the same time. It's one or the other. Make a choice today that your feelings and thoughts are positive.

90 percent is a lot of brain power, or Pixie Dust.

Brian Simms

Brian R. Simms is the co-founder of Powershift, a self-development website and podcast series dedicated to helping you powershift your life to a higher level. Visit our web site: and download a free copy of How to Develop Goal Setting Strategies. You can also link directly to the audio podcast series from

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