What Price Would You Pay For Freedom?

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Do not get me wrong. I am not getting into politics when I asked that question in my title of "What Price Would You Pay For Freedom". I am talking about the price you would pay to get your personal freedom back.

I want to really get into this. How long do you want to work for a company that tells you how many hours you have to work, when to get to the office in the morning, when to take a break, or when to have your lunch, and when you can leave to go home and spend some time with your family? If you are lucky enough, your children may be still be awake when you finally do get home and you can play with them for a short time. "But do not get them too wound up," says your wife, "because they will not be able to go to sleep."

Before you know it, you are back on the train or in your car the next morning, sitting in traffic and talking to yourself because you have the time to talk to yourself because you are sitting in dead-stop traffic.

The question you ask yourself is, I am going to have to do this daily routine for the next 30 or maybe 40 years and make the company lots of money. I make just enough to pay my bills and maybe have a little extra to take the family on a small vacation (when they tell me I can and when to be back at work).

This picture I am painting does not look rewarding to me.

Let us go down the road a little. Kids are now college age. Were you able to save enough money to help them with the next 4 years or maybe 8 if they go on.By the way, did you notice how much the cost of tuition goes up each year??

Next stop 30 years later, time for retirement, we would hope.

Were you able to have some kind of retirement account, and was still in tact after the last turn in the economy?

But there are ways to get thru the process a little differently. Its called entrepreneurship. You make the rules, you set the hours, you get to see your kids and have meals with them and watch them grow. As long as you put in the time and energy, it is great.

So to answer the question "What Price Would You Pay For Freedom" only you can answer which way would you rather go thru life.

David Brenowitz is a self-employed internet marketing business success coach who worked all his life for other people until he saw the freedom he could have as an entrepreneur. He works with his wife, Roz, from their home in Scottsdale, Arizona.

To learn more about Roz and David Brenowitz, go to: http://www.onlinesystempros.com/

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