The Key Secret Of Success Is Preparation (What If You Knew You Would Succeed Before You Begin?)

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Imagine if you already knew you will never be involved in a road accident! Wouldn't you sleep a little easier? More spring in your step during the day? How could you ever be sure of this? Simple - never go anywhere by road!

You might feel this is a little radical for you but if you are serious about living as long as you can then you will be very careful each day to make decisions that ensure your long term success. So by minimizing the road travel you take you can really maximize your likelihood of never being involved in an accident.

So many of us spend time on the road when we need not: we could be doing something far more fruitful with our lives! Do you recall the 1970's when there were still so few cars on the roads? Didn't we all have better things to do than sit in traffic blocks? Not nowadays it seems! Think before you drive: is your journey really necessary? What else could you do?

I have actually managed without an auto for the past two years to see if I can slow my life down. I am beginning to discover other things which count for more than just jumping in my car and burning fuel! I have to make better decisions about how I want to spend each day. I find I am learning the basics of careful preparation in life!

Since I have taken away the option of driving to get what I need I now find I don't even want so many things: the effort required now to go get them makes me value my time more. So I have a lot more time each week to do really cool things, and my life is a lot safer, too!

I no longer feel rushed so I make much better "good for me" decisions. I am cool and collected. Going by car is no longer an option so I know I won't be involved in a horrific road accident! I sleep much better!

What has all this got to do with your key to success?

I want to challenge YOU today to believe that the decisions YOU make each day have long term effects on your life and the lives of those around you!

My town is cluttered 24/7 with parked cars which go no place. Imagine if the owners sold those vehicles and walked instead - it would have a big impact on our society and our planet! We don't actually need to make all the pointless short journeys every day - we can achieve a lot more by being organized and harnessing the mind blowing power of Preparation.

What is Preparation?

Preparation is the reality of taking the effort to be prepared ahead of events.

Preparing ahead means YOU take responsibility for events in YOUR future! You decide to stop blaming 'Fate' and just get on with doing the best you can.

So the first step is to decide what you want to take place in the future: visualize the best case scenario you would like to occur. Quit dreading unforeseen circumstances and make your life open up and happen as you wish!

Why should things go bad for you? It can make no difference to the universe so decide to tip the scales in your balance as from today! Decide to prepare ahead so everything goes well for you.

Now sometimes something unforeseen happens - that's something you didn't foresee in your preparation. So always allow a loophole or two for the unexpected. Put your energy into projects where you already have a high chance of success before you start. Approach your ambitions in a step by step manner.

One of the greatest keys to my ability to prepare constantly for success in every project I attempt was learning to play a musical instrument. How has this helped me? Even before you begin, you set yourself a grand but easily measurable challenge. Believe me, you don't need any musical talent to learn to play any instrument proficiently. It is no magic art but just a set of daily disciplines which will enable you to enjoy more proficiency on your chosen instrument year by year. Anyone can learn music and you will make a lot of friends through this, too, but the great end result is that you achieve self belief in being able to master any challenge you set yourself. Following daily disciplines also develops powerful self mastery.

Put your energy into projects you can succeed in with a step by step approach. Choose to spend your time on projects which enthrall you. Quit spending time on needless journeys and opt to achieve the things you really want to do! Stop putting things off until later in life - start the things you want to do now. Don't worry about what you will do when you retire! Do cool things now. Get involved.

Why is Preparation the Key to Your Success?

Because nothing happens randomly. Things occur in your experience because you set the patterns in motion beforehand. You decide to go to art college, then chances are you'll become an artist. You decide to argue with your partner then chances are you'll feel anger. Anger needs careful management - does it really have any purpose in your life? I reject anger and opt for cool calmness instead.

Being cool and calm is the best mindset for preparation in all things. Look ahead and imagine something you would enjoy coming to fruition. What is it, and how can you achieve this?

You really can achieve anything you set your mind to. Have no doubt about this. But everything takes time to achieve. What are the best steps to take to ensure your success? I research online to find people who have already achieved what I want to: say I want to invest on the stock market and achieve a 12% annual return, then I will find people who already regularly achieve this and decide how I will emulate them. Say I want to play a beautiful trumpet solo in a concert? I will buy trumpet, take the daily steps to learn to play, join a band - I will probably need a tutor! Find people who can assist you in achieving your goals.

People want you to succeed, especially your tutor, mentor, coach or advisor! So get yourself a success team. Be prepared to learn. Enjoy every step of the way! Be willing. Share your new found knowledge.

Your success team will advise you on the preparation you require. Prepare. Know that your act of preparing is your key to success!

1. You have chosen a worthy project.

2. You have teamed up with someone who knows how to achieve success in this project.

3. You prepare in the appropriate manner in order to be ready for the successful result you desire.

4. You take persistent action.

5. You begin to attain your goal.

6. Share your success with others.

I like projects where the attainment is never a clear horizon: that's why I gain so much from learning to play music. I first have the goal to become proficient on the instrument, then to perform, then to widen my repertoire, then to meet with other musicians - it's an enjoyable on going process.

Blogging is a similar process - you start a blog, perhaps just a journal at first, then it grows and you become a skillful writer leading a social community online! You have widened your circle of influence.

What will you gain?

Each project you prepare for and take the persistent action to achieve success in builds your confidence for the next. This amazing but surefire method adds zest to your life, lengthens your days, increases your energy, promotes your abilities and brings you enjoyment and a real feeling of attainment. Suddenly you have become the master of your destiny, no longer swayed by the four winds to end you know not where!

Gradually through preparing carefully and methodically to achieve each project, you build unshakable belief in your ability to achieve everything you want to. Each project is a step by step process of learning and achieving. You learn that each decision you make is powerful because it determines your results in life. No one tells you what to do - you choose!

Self reliance allows you to do everything you want to. You choose and you see things through to the end. You realize that the universe belongs to you because it is there to do your bidding. This is the key to preparation: knowing you are in command. And preparation is the key to your success in all you do. So take command today and enjoy the success you can achieve every time through methodical preparation and persistent action! No more excuses! Do your thing!

Looking ahead

You can confidently expect success before you even take the first action because each project can be broken down into measurable actions and you can easily find people who have already done this before to help you on your way.

Money is no issue - cultivate relationships which will lead you to the knowledge you require to take the daily action steps to success. Network frequently. Develop a giving nature. Believe there is a way to succeed and expect to find it. Do what it takes.

Look ahead and figure what will arise as a result of actions you take. Compare possible scenarios. Decide which end result you'd prefer. Strive to take the persistent action to achieve the result you truly want rather than letting other people boss you about and being content with whatever result 'destiny' hands you. Destiny is merely the default setting you attain for failing to decide how you want your life to develop. Make your own choices, build your sense of purpose, and above all: learn to value your time and effort! Well done!

It's finally time to wake up and enjoy the rest of your life! Determine to become the person you really want to be no matter what the cost! Read more and enjoy FREE video training on how to achieve the Success Mindset on my Success and Web Resources blog today!

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