The Key To Overcoming Procrastination

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Why the heck do we go through the day performing low quality, low value, low income and low impact producing activities.

I do it, my friends do it. All of us do it. To really understand the key to overcoming procrastination we first have to understand why we do it in the first place. So the question is:

Why Do We Procrastinate

Well there are really only Two reasons we procrastinate, the first being. We have fallen into the habit and routine of filling our day with many low quality activities and have come to the miss guided idea and belief that by keeping the day busy and having a full schedule is the same as been productive.

And the second reason being that procrastination is happening at a subconscious level caused by some underlying insecurity. This could be the feeling of just not feeling smart enough to get the things we really after. The feeling that we are not good enough to even think about doing the things we know will improve our lives. The feeling of uncertainty of not knowing what the next step to take should be and my favourite, thinking we have to know everything and have everything perfect before we take action.

The Truth Is

These are nothing more than misguided lies we hold onto as a safety net keeping us stuck in a life that can be changed at a moment's will. As rational as they sound and even being able to identify with some of them, they are still nothing more than excuses keeping us from reaching our full potential.

We have all seen and met people whether that be Television or friends, that are not the smartest people yet have an amazing life and get everything they want.

The people that achieve the most success, whether in life, business, relationships or health are not necessarily the smartest people or best looking people. They are the people who procrastinate the least, make fewer excuses and take productive action towards the goals and life they want to achieve.

So how do we break the habits, get rid of the excuses and put ourselves on the path of getting the productive life changing things done. With today's busy lifestyle filled with emails, instant messages, tweets, SMS, Facebook, the list goes on and on. And this all happening before the day has even started.

The answer and solution is simple and you can start with this right away, this is still the best piece of software I use on a daily basis.

What is this magical device that can be the key to overcoming procrastination:

A simple notepad and pen, kept at the side of your bed.

What I want you to do is, every night before you go to sleep is to write down three things that you want to achieve the next day. These must be three things that are either going to produce the highest income for you or create the biggest results for you, so that when you are finished with them you will have achieved the highest impact on your personal productivity and taken action and completed tasks that will get you to where you want to be and reach the goals that you want to achieve. By doing this in the evening before you go to sleep, you will also be accessing the power of your subconscious mind to work out the details for you while you sleep.

So make a commitment to yourself today and get those three things finished each day. And when you develop this new powerful habit of productive action... You take control of life itself and become a person of ongoing Victories and leave behind any notion of being a Victim of circumstance.

Remember that you have the ability to change your life and create the results you want and live the life you want to live by just doing a few simple actions each day.

To your Massive Success

Terrick Romer
Performance Coach and Success Mentor

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The Life You Truly Want Is The Life That Can Be Yours!

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If you are unhappy with your present situation, you can take the first step to a better life and although you have to make the effort to move forward you are not on your own.

This brief article is about enabling you to change the way you think about yourself and your life and to make very real changes for the better.

Today is the first day of a new you and achieving the happiness of life you so richly deserve.

Why should you deserve it? Because you are human!

Life is not about pain, poverty and unhappiness. Those things exist, yes, but only because we allow them to.

The more you focus on the negative aspects of life the more you will find yourself enmeshed in the web of despair it creates.

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This is the law of attraction.

You are what you think you are! If you think you are poor, you will be poor. If you think you are not clever, you will behave as if you are not clever. If you think you will never lose weight, never have heaps of self-esteem or a barrel-load of money well the truth is that is true. Why? Because you simply create that reality for yourself.

Each of us is individually responsible for our own lives. Not our parents. Not our siblings. Not the government. Not the one world elite. Not little green men from the planet zog.
You are responsible for your own life.

If you are unhappy, poor, miserable, depressed, overweight, shy or whatever other label you want to wear emblazoned on your forehead in big red letters, then you are responsible for that situation and only you can change it.

I can't do it for you. Neither can anyone else. You need to make the effort and step-by-step, inch-by-inch reclaim your own individual sovereignty and power to create the life that you truly want. Without limit. Without excuse. Without guilt.

By following a logical step-by-plan with support you can change the way you think and if you change the way you think, you will change your life.

It takes at least 30 days to break habits, old ways of thinking and replace them with new mind-set. It may take less or more time depending on your situation and your aspirations but 30 days is a rough guide. It may take longer, maybe several months, to begin to see permanent changes. You must be willing to make the time and personal effort. Remember, no one else can do this for you, you must help yourself!

Why 30 days? Because research has shown time and again that this is the minimum average length of time it takes to break a habit. Our intention is not so much to break habits but replace those old behaviours and negative ways of thinking with new and vital behaviour and thoughts that enable us to move forwards with health, vitality, self-confidence and belief!

Today is the first day of a new you and achieving the happiness of life you so richly deserve.

On my blog is a free plan with links to a free support forum that will help you change your mind and change your life in 30 days. A better and brighter future awaits you. You simply need the courage and determination to step forward and make the journey.

Changing Minds


Begin the journey, take the first step

Changing Minds, Changing Lives is a not-for-profit enterprise that aims to enable individuals to create richer lives through valuable and permanent personal development.

Changing Minds

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The Number One Success Secret

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Have you ever found yourself saying "I know what I need to do; I just need to do it!" Perhaps deep down you know you need to take some the time to get clear on certain aspects of your business. Maybe you know you need to focus and learn more about certain marketing details. Maybe it's delegating your book keeping. Perhaps it's about getting out there and networking, investigating social media strategies or it could even be the simple task of following up with clients' whom have slid through the cracks. This leads me to the number one success secret I know of... The willingness to take consistent action - no matter what, is the one characteristic that sets all successful business owners apart from the crowd.

When I left my corporate job and started at a chiropractic clinic doing massage therapy 9 years ago I didn't have any clients. From the beginning I knew I had to get out there so that I could pay my rent and make ends meet. As a result, I made a commitment to myself to do whatever I could to build my practice. This took on-going, consistent and earnest action on my part. I had to. And the result? In 6 months my practice was full and with the consistent action of managing my time and creating consistent marketing systems, it stayed full. After a while, all of this just became a habit. And it still is from this day forward. And, that is how taking action in your practice has got to be if you want to have a full practice.

You see, the problem with not taking action is that if your ideal clients don't hear about you, they can't hire you. And if other professionals don't know about you, they can't refer to you.

So are you ready for tough love? It's your duty to start taking action and market yourself. Each of us was given skills and talents and a life purpose as a holistic therapist. There are people who need your services. If you don't use your skills, you won't be playing your part in this world. You are responsible to make sure people know how they can find you and what you offer. So, there is no talking in circles about doing something deep down you know you "ought to". Stop rolling all the worst-case scenarios in your head over and over again. Don't expect a guarantee that everything is going to work out as planned and don't make up excuses as to why it would be better to do it later.

Just take action toward one goal you feel would help you to build your practice. And, once you do it the first time, keep doing it until it becomes an automatic reflex. It has to become an unconscious practice - like going to the bathroom. When you do something, one of two things will happen: You will succeed or you will fail.

If you're successful, you'll do more of the same thing and improve it. If you fail, you can learn from your mistakes and you can move forward differently or to try something else. It's really that simple.

Expect that getting into the groove of taking consistent action to feel odd and uncomfortable for you at first. That's normal. Taking action is not a habit for you yet. You have to practice it. You have to do it over and over. Then it starts feeling natural and comfortable.

Just do something consistently. Even if it takes you out of your comfort zone a little. And what you'll find is that it's not so bad. It actually feels good to be doing something that is taking you somewhere - anywhere. After a while, you'll find that it gets easier, more pleasant and you'll start seeing little successes unfold. (Remember to write these success's down!)

So for today, commit to doing one thing. Just one. Just make one follow up call. Just write one thank you note. Just ask one client to rebook. Just investigate Facebook or Twitter. Just decide to write newsletters on a regular basis. Just consider creating a niche for yourself. Just say no to setting fees that don't properly compensate you. Just get help if you need some. And then do it some more.

You decide what action it is that you are going to take today. Write it down, do it and pat yourself on your back. And tomorrow, do it again.

Your Assignment

Decide today what you will take action on in your business. Just pick one. Complete it and pick a new one. If you have multiple ideas and feel overwhelmed, hone in on one and stick with it for 6 months. Pick the one that is easiest to get started with and will make you the most amount of money. Don't get wishy washy about it. Get specific and create clear goals for yourself.

Jackie McKay, Prosperous Practice Mentor, teaches soul-inspired natural health practitioners the heart-centered HOW TO of busting through entrepreneurial fears, attracting ideal clients, making more money, and making a name for themselves in their purpose-centered healing business.

Jackie is the creator of The Prosperous Practice Roadmap a conscious business building program blending universal and spiritual principles with step by step savvy marketing tips, that teaches service professionals how to attract new clients and make more money by showing them the how to of building their healing business.

A former hotel marketing manager, faculty member of the Foothills College of Massage Therapy and holistic entrepreneur for 9 years, she deeply understands the questions and concerns faced by new and old practitioners in the alternative health industry. Her expertise in heart-centered business and spiritual development was developed through many years of studying A Course In Miracles and running a full time practice that was constantly bursting at the seams.

"Entrepreneurship is the deepest and fastest path to spiritual growth. It is aligning your purpose for being on earth with a business idea so deeply meaningful that you simply must do it, despite the fears and childhood wounds that arise" says Jackie.

Jackie speaks to Natural Health Practitioners across the globe at live events, through teleseminars, and other virtual programs.

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The Pixie Dust Syndrome

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Have you been sprinkled with Pixie dust? You know, that special charisma that makes everyone want to be around you, that tells people you are someone going places. Some people just have it, while others strive to get that magical presence all their lives.

I am sure you know someone at work or college who is the most popular person and seems to do no wrong or when they do it just falls off them; the bad stuff just doesn't stick! The person who succeeds at everything they do. Whether it is school, sports, finances, or relationships -- they just never fail. They always came out on top.

Now think about that person for a minute and try to remember the character traits they have. They are always happy and smiling; they never seem to have a bad day; and they always have good things to say. It's like they are a magnet attracting people and good things to their life.

In fact, when bad things do happen, it makes then stronger and more determined to reach their goals. Nothing bothers these people. In the meantime, you are searching for your Tinker Bell and that special Pixie Dust.

Remember that 90 percent of what happens to you is in your mind and only 10 percent is external forces or events. How we react to life is how we will be rewarded. If we have a negative attitude toward life, people will feel that and not want to be around our negative emotions. People want to be around positive people. Change your attitude and change what you receive from life. Change how you treat people and people will treat you differently.

Stop complaining and start being grateful for what you do have and more good will follow. Take a few minutes right now and think about all the good you have in your life. Thank God for your home, your children, your spouse, and whatever else you may have. Make this a daily habit, a quiet time where you can sit and be thankful and let positive thoughts flow through your mind. We must be thankful for what we do have before we can expect more to come to us.

You have the Pixie Dust, you just haven't accessed it. It's in your mind. It's in that 90 percent of your mind that is completely under your control. That's a lot of Pixie Dust. But it only works with positive thoughts and actions. For the next few days count to 10, in your head, before you respond to people and do so with a positive answer. This may be difficult at first but the 10 seconds will stop your normal off - the - cuff negative reaction. If you can't think of something positive to say, don't say anything. You will be amazed how quickly change comes to you.

Just like a magnifying glass can concentrate the rays of the sun so intensely that it can start a fire, magnify your positive thoughts and feelings to start a fire inside you to succeed at whatever you want. Learn to control your thoughts to better yourself to achieve the things you want. Tinker Bells legend says because of her size she could only hold one feeling at a time. We are the same; we can't be happy and mad at the same time. It's one or the other. Make a choice today that your feelings and thoughts are positive.

90 percent is a lot of brain power, or Pixie Dust.

Brian Simms

Brian R. Simms is the co-founder of Powershift, a self-development website and podcast series dedicated to helping you powershift your life to a higher level. Visit our web site: and download a free copy of How to Develop Goal Setting Strategies. You can also link directly to the audio podcast series from

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The Prisoner of Your Own Mind, How to Overcome Perfectionism in 6 Easy Simple Ways?

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We live in a world where perfection is everything. Perfect performance, perfect movie, perfect service, perfect piece of writing and the list goes on. We constantly dream and strive for a flawless world.

In our hearts we know such a thing does not exist.

Some people are perfectionists. These people have an ideal of life that is very high standard and beyond achievable. But these kind of people suffer the most. Why? Because they put a lot of pressure on themselves and they set goals that are bigger than what they are able to achieve. Their main preoccupation is to strive for success, recognition and to avoid mistakes.

Success is a good thing and can be attainable by being a high-achiever rather than expecting a perfect picture of life.

When we think about perfectionism, we see it as simply a regular thing that people go through everyday. But what no one knows is that it can have serious consequences in someone's life, your life.

Did you know that perfectionism can create anorexia? Did you know that perfectionism can hinder someone's relationships, your relationships? Did you know that shockingly it can become a deadly obsession? When it becomes such an obsession, some people commit suicide because they simply can't get to that "perfect life".

The entertainment business puts a lot of emphasis on perfection.

Some of these perfectionists are very successful people, even celebrities like Maryl Streep, Michael Jackson, Jane Fonda, Portia di Rossi and many more who suffer from this. The ones who seem to suffer the most from this are people who work in the entertainment business, actors, actresses, singers, dancers and the ones who work beyond the scenes.

Perfectionism imprisons you. You constantly feel like a fraud and you leave with the fear that one day you will be caught and lose all the success you worked so hard to achieve. You are also afraid to fail. You think how much can I resist doing what I do and keep this high performance level. This in turn makes you feel stressed up, anxious and even exhausted all the time.

You are never satisfied with what you achieve because you never feel "good enough". Your work is never "good enough", your work is never perfect and flawless as it should be, as others expect it to be.

You constantly chase success because you feel empty inside. Success validates you, success is essential to who you are and unless you have it nothing else in the world matters. Success is more important than family, friends, even taking care of yourself.

Even if people tell you how great you are, what a wonderful job you did, you are happy for a while and then you feel again that you are not "good enough". Then you begin your wild crazy marathon chase for success again, for perfection. You never stop, never rest until you will achieve it.

This chase is your daily reality. But here is what happens, when you are so tough on yourself, you are also very tough on other people around you because the voice inside of you never stops. Then you wonder why your relationships don't work.

Sometimes you want to change, but you don't know where to start. Perfectionism imprisons you in a chain of negative critical self-talk with goals and expectations that are very difficult to achieve.

Did you know that perfectionism is a phobia? It is the phobia of making mistakes.
The greatest fear that paralyses the perfectionist is to make mistakes. Mistakes are wrong, dangerous, life threatening. Mistakes are the perfectionists enemy. Sometimes can mean the end of the world for a perfectionist.

So now you probably recognize yourself and now you are aware how imprisoning it can be. Pink and Simple Plan have even published a song about perfectionism which can be viewed on you tube. Especially Pink's song illustrates exactly what I am talking about.

Now that you are aware and you are familiar of what it does to you, it is time to discuss some solutions that can help you overcome perfectionism and be softer with yourself.

1) Remember that the greatest success comes from failure. "Failure" is a life lesson and a way to grow as a person. Failure is a teacher, a very valuable teacher who can show you how great you are. So view failure as an opportunity to gain more success. The most successful people have endured many failures that have led them to be so successful.

2) Success comes when you stop chasing it. What the perfectionist does is focus on results rather than the process of getting there. In order to be softer with yourself, enjoy the process which is far more important than the results themselves. When you do that, the results come much more easily and quickly than you thought. I bet you are going to ask yourself why you had to stress yourself so much.

3) Strive for excellence rather than perfection. By being a high-achiever and seeing mistakes as opportunities, you will succeed stress-free. Don't forget to pat yourself on the shoulder from time to time when you do something right.

4) Write a list of all your accomplishments, small ones rather than big ones and hang them on your wall so you can look at them everyday. This will remind you on how much good things you are doing everyday rather than focusing on all the negative things and mistakes you did. By doing this you will train your mind to see the good things you are doing and diminish the negative self-talk you often hear in your mind.

5) When something is not as perfect as you wanted or you catch yourself being tough on yourself, remember that you can always start over and that you always get a second chance in this life. There are always solutions, you only have to open your mind and use your creativity. Believe it or not, my best work is the most imperfect one of all. This is the work I have most success with.

6) Mistakes are opportunities for more success. One day, One of my coaches told me the following: When you make a mistake ask yourself the following question: What will you do if you knew you couldn't fail? Fill in the blanks with whatever comes to mind. By doing this you will discover how many things you have the potential of doing.

So the next time you feel that you are less than perfect remember that you are better than you think and better than you are willing to see in yourself at this moment and try to find a thought that will make you feel softer with yourself. The road to success does not have to be perfect all the way and it doesn't have to be strenuous. There will always be bumps along the way as well as unexpected situations. Your job is to learn how to deal with them. These experiences make you wiser in the book of life.

Success can be effortless and enjoyable and easily attainable if you adopt a more beneficial softer attitude and frame of mind. It is more important to focus on your small daily achievements and daily steps rather than looking at the big picture and giving yourself too high standards that only end up frustrating you.

The most successful people in this world are those who are fearless of making mistakes. They take risks to get where they are today. Another thing they do is take small actions and steps and enjoy the process rather than the results. How many times have we heard famous people say that they never planned their big success, it just unfolded into their life. Really this is how it is. The most unexpected things in this life are the most rewarding surprising experiences that we can ever live and many successes come to life believe or not from mistakes.
Stop the suffering now and start living again now!

Galit Lazar is an Entertainment Industry coach, a published author. The entertainment business is very focused on perfection which can hinder actresses' self-confidence and self-esteem. Galit helps actresses be and feel successful in the industry by helping them love who they are.

Galit has also recently been featured in the book: Speaking Your Truth, Courageous Stories from Inspiring Women. Her chapter is called: The Journey to Your Inner Light House. The book can be purchased on

Galit has also been nominated "editors choice" on Blogville. Her Blog:

Do you want to be more successful in the entertainment Industry stress free? Galit can help you become successful by becoming a high achiever. Contact her for a free introductory session where you can discuss effective ways to be and feel more successful stress free. Find contact information in the site address below.

To find more information about Galit's C.A.M.P. Coaching or to schedule a free Introduction session visit her site: for more information.

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TOEFL IBT Reading Score Improvement in Three Simple Steps

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I once heard, "If you prepare, you will not fear.", a quote so true when taking a standardized admissions test such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language, the Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT). And when it comes to conquering the reading section of this difficult test for international students, you will certainly want to be prepared before tackling 60-90 minutes of conceptually dense academic reading passages. In fact, so that you have an adequate reading speed of 250-350 words per minute, good concentration, and 60-80% comprehension of TOEFL reading passages, you should prepare yourself by building your college-level vocabulary, reading extensively for 45-60 minutes a day for several months, and having effective test-taking strategies.

Build your Vocabulary

First of all, you will need to build your college-level vocabulary so that you will be able to understand the language used in the TOEFL iBT reading passages.You can find such lists in TOEFL preparation books or at ESL web sites. A good TOEFL vocabulary list should consist of 1,000-2,000 common academic words, and, once you acquire your TOEFL words, you will need to create a note-card study system so that you get the meanings of these words into your long-term memory.

Get into a Daily Routine of Reading for about 45 Minutes

Second of all, block 45-60 minutes of time each day during which you read non-stop, even when encountering unfamiliar words. The point here is to get your brain used to concentrating in English, especially when reading for longer periods of time. Remember that the TOEFL iBT reading section, whose passages are notoriously conceptually dense, can be as long as 90 minutes. At first, you may find that you cannot concentrate for the entire 45 minutes of reading. That's is OK. Therefore, if your initial concentration if only 15 minutes, try to build from there. 'What should I read?" you ask. Reading multi-chapter fictional or non-fictional books, all of which should be a minimum of 250+ pages, will improve your speculative thinking ability and help improve your automaticity of language use. This and the vocabulary-building phrase of your academic reading proficiency may take up to year or more.

Utilize Effective Test-taking Strategies

Finally, you need to have good test-taking strategies while you take the TOEFL iBT test. Rhetoric, charts, schematic tables, implied detail questions, paraphrasing, and vocabulary: These are but a few of the types of questions you will have to answer, and you need to know two things: first, how identify each of these question types, and second, where to find the answers in the reading passages. TOEFL books will have targeted exercises to improve your reading skills in these areas. Complete all the skill-building exercises, including the reading comprehension practice tests. Once you have completed several practice tests within the time constraints recommended by the TOEFL book and you have met your reading proficiency practice test score goal, you should be prepared to take the actual TOEFL iBT. Unlike the vocabulary and extensive reading phases of your TOEFL iBT reading preparation, this last phase of your preparation will only take a few weeks.

To sum up, by practicing over an extended period of time, you will conquer the reading section of the TOEFL iBT. You will be able to concentrate better, read faster, and will remember more of what you read. And that is nothing to be fearful of, right?

Michael Buckhoff, founder and materials writer for The 7 Step System to Pass the TOEFL iBT, has been teaching linguistics, composition, and ESL at California State University, San Bernardino since 1994.

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Tony Robbins Vitality - What Is It?

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The Tony Robbins Vitality is more of a concept than "the individual". Tony Robbins himself; is a "high energy, motivational speaker. His portfolio boasts of reaching over 3 million people world-wide and has sold approximately 35 million books, videos, and auditory coaching products.

In the Tony Robbins vitality model he demonstrates how to "tap into your inner fears" by challenging people to walk barefoot over hot coals. He uses this as a strong physical metaphor to prove the "power with-in", to overcome ones deepest fears by using core focus, emotion, and longing.

This "giant of a man", stands six-foot, seven inches tall, weighs approximately 265 pounds, with an estimated shoe size of 16. His "on-stage presence" is very empowering and engaging as he controls the energy of his audiences.

In his career he has been highly successful; working with people such as: President Clinton and Nelson Mandela. The Tony Robbins Vitality encompasses many powerful philosophies which include, but are not limited to:

An individuals POTENTIAL IS decided by their own "self-belief".
The Tony Robbins vitality theory is based on initiating breakthroughs, leaping beyond your natural fears, achieving goals and realizing a true desire. His theory also helps facilitate the desire of establishing and maintaining genuine relationships.He also admonishes his audiences to model the "mind- set" of people that have already achieved the success that they are seeking to obtain.

The Tony Robbins vitality message is very simple "If you believe in yourself enough you can achieve anything".

ELIMINATE SELF-DOUBT by mastering new habits.
His philosophy is to plunge yourself into breaking old habits and patterns; establish new ones by repetition. One of his famous quotes clarifies this action: "WHERE FOCUS GOES ENERGY FLOWS". However, many people delay this action and find excuses to quit before they even get started.The Tony Robbins Vitality theory promotes the belief that "progress is not automatic." and that "action is THE power". He emphasizes to "TAKE ACTION", even if it is the wrong action. He maintains it will "never be a failure if you learn something from it".


Two essential skills will ensure the quality of life desired by most people:

1. This would be "achievement" (the ability to make your vision a reality).

2. The next skill would be to enable yourself to become fulfilled through this process. The Tony Robbins Vitality philosophy in this area is simply "success without fulfillment is failure".

Next, any forward thinking individual and/or company would benefit from many of Tony Robbins philosophies whether it be in your personal life or your business practices. I would like to invite you to visit my website if you are looking for positive new marketing strategies to ensure your success in any business venture /or concept you wish to market online... GO NOW TO: fill out the forms to the right of the page and claim your TWO FREE HOW-TO VIDEOS to "jump start" your success in Internet Marketing today!

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Tony Robbins Vitality - What Is It?

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The Tony Robbins Vitality is more of a concept than "the individual". Tony Robbins himself; is a "high energy, motivational speaker. His portfolio boasts of reaching over 3 million people world-wide and has sold approximately 35 million books, videos, and auditory coaching products.

In the Tony Robbins vitality model he demonstrates how to "tap into your inner fears" by challenging people to walk barefoot over hot coals. He uses this as a strong physical metaphor to prove the "power with-in", to overcome ones deepest fears by using core focus, emotion, and longing.

This "giant of a man", stands six-foot, seven inches tall, weighs approximately 265 pounds, with an estimated shoe size of 16. His "on-stage presence" is very empowering and engaging as he controls the energy of his audiences.

In his career he has been highly successful; working with people such as: President Clinton and Nelson Mandela. The Tony Robbins Vitality encompasses many powerful philosophies which include, but are not limited to:

An individuals POTENTIAL IS decided by their own "self-belief".
The Tony Robbins vitality theory is based on initiating breakthroughs, leaping beyond your natural fears, achieving goals and realizing a true desire. His theory also helps facilitate the desire of establishing and maintaining genuine relationships.He also admonishes his audiences to model the "mind- set" of people that have already achieved the success that they are seeking to obtain.

The Tony Robbins vitality message is very simple "If you believe in yourself enough you can achieve anything".

ELIMINATE SELF-DOUBT by mastering new habits.
His philosophy is to plunge yourself into breaking old habits and patterns; establish new ones by repetition. One of his famous quotes clarifies this action: "WHERE FOCUS GOES ENERGY FLOWS". However, many people delay this action and find excuses to quit before they even get started.The Tony Robbins Vitality theory promotes the belief that "progress is not automatic." and that "action is THE power". He emphasizes to "TAKE ACTION", even if it is the wrong action. He maintains it will "never be a failure if you learn something from it".


Two essential skills will ensure the quality of life desired by most people:

1. This would be "achievement" (the ability to make your vision a reality).

2. The next skill would be to enable yourself to become fulfilled through this process. The Tony Robbins Vitality philosophy in this area is simply "success without fulfillment is failure".

Next, any forward thinking individual and/or company would benefit from many of Tony Robbins philosophies whether it be in your personal life or your business practices. I would like to invite you to visit my website if you are looking for positive new marketing strategies to ensure your success in any business venture /or concept you wish to market online... GO NOW TO: fill out the forms to the right of the page and claim your TWO FREE HOW-TO VIDEOS to "jump start" your success in Internet Marketing today!

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Unfolding Your Agile Self

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Do you ever wonder what you really have to offer the workplace? What knowledge, talents, and skills do you possess that could benefit others? You see, others will recognize whatever is placed before them in an inviting proposition. It's usually not that others fail to recognize what you have to offer, it's-you guessed it-yourself! Awareness starts at home, with the best measure of what special contribution you make essentially because of your unique person. Agility is the capacity to be open to changes and to roll with the punches to bring out your best resources to fit the challenge at hand.

"How do I use who I am on earth for a purpose that's bigger than myself?" asked Oprah Winfrey in her Newsweek article on leadership for the 21st century. "My answer always comes back to self. There is no moving up and out into the world unless you are fully acquainted with who you are. You cannot move freely, speak freely, act freely, be free unless you are comfortable with yourself." Jack and Suzy Welch, in their opinion column appearing in Business Week, made a similar point when they referred to authenticity as "the foremost quality business leaders must possess."

Each of us has more to offer than we realize. Our age, race, gender, and educational achievements do identify us. Given our age, gender, race, and so forth, according to simplistic and outmoded thinking, we ought to think in a certain way so as not to upset our place in the status of things; to harbor a certain philosophical approach; to allow others to see our behavior as predictable and easy to manipulate. But becoming more aware of our emotional resources in terms of self-awareness and openness to change (agility), facing the reality of our potential, we can liberate our thinking from this delusion and become much more adaptive to whatever environment we find ourselves.

The sooner you realize that it is up to you and within your control to make a big difference in your life, the sooner things will begin to change for you. This change can be manifested in multiple ways, however, by remaining true to who you are is sure to increase your confidence. This confidence and delivering on commitments results in credibility and credibility ultimately will lend itself toward opportunity.

Don't limit yourself when it comes to what YOU think you can or can't do. Unfold your Agile Self and you will quickly realize what a positive impact you can make!

David Nour is a social networking strategist and one of the foremost thought leaders on the quantifiable value of business relationships. In a global economy that is becoming increasingly disconnected, David and his team are solving global client challenges with Strategic Relationship Planning? and Enterprise Social Networking best practices.

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Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement

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Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement

This unique and ground-breaking book is the result of 15 years research and synthesises over 800 meta-analyses on the influences on achievement in school-aged students. It builds a story about the power of teachers, feedback, and a model of learning and understanding. The research involves many millions of students and represents the largest ever evidence based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning. Areas covered include the influence of the student, home, school, curricula, teacher, and teaching strategies. A model of teaching and learning is developed based on the notion of visible teaching and visible learning.

A major message is that what works best for students is similar to what works best for teachers – an attention to setting challenging learning intentions, being clear about what success means, and an attention to learning strategies for developing conceptual understanding about what teachers and students know and understand.

Although the current evidence based fad has turned into a debate about test scores, this book is about using evidence to build and defend a model of teaching and learning. A major contribution is a fascinating benchmark/dashboard for comparing many innovations in teaching and schools.

Price: $47.95

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Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in America's Classrooms (Multicultural Education (Paper)) (Multicultural Education Series)

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Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in America's Classrooms (Multicultural Education (Paper)) (Multicultural Education Series)While race and culture remain important variables in how young people experience schools, they are often misunderstood by educators and school personnel. Building on the work of three studies that investigated schools successful in closing the achievement gap, Tyrone Howard shows how adopting greater awareness and comprehensive understanding of race and culture can improve educational outcomes. Important reading for anyone who is genuinely committed to promoting educational equity and excellence for all children, this accessible book outlines the changing racial, ethnic, and cultural demographics in U.S. schools and calls for educators to pay serious attention to how race and culture play out in school settings.

Price: $27.95

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Young, Gifted, and Black: Promoting High Achievement among African-American Students

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Young, Gifted, and Black: Promoting High Achievement among African-American StudentsYoung, Gifted, and Black is a unique joint effort by three leading African-American scholars to radically reframe the debates swirling around the achievement of African-American students in school.

In three separate but allied essays, Theresa Perry, Claude Steele, and Asa Hilliard place students" social identity as African-Americans at the very center of the discussion. They all argue that the unique social and cultural position Black students occupy, in a society which often devalues and stereotypes African American identity, fundamentally shapes students" experience of school and sets up unique obstacles. And they all argue that a proper understanding of the forces at work can lead to practical, powerful methods for promoting high achievement at all levels.

Theresa Perry argues that African-American students face dilemmas, founded in the experience of race and ethnicity in America, that make the task of achievement distinctive and difficult. (For instance: "How do I commit myself to achieve, to work hard over time in school, if I cannot predict when or under what circumstances this hard work will be acknowledged and recognized?") She uncovers a rich and powerful African- American philosophy of education, historically forged against such obstacles and capable of addressing them, by reading African-American narratives from Frederick Douglass to Maya Angelou. She carefully critiques the most popular theoretical explanations for group differences in achievement. And she lays out how educators today—in a post­civil rights era—can draw on theory and on the historical power of the African—American philosophy and tradition of education to reorganize the school experience of African—American students.

Claude Steele reports stunningly clear empirical psychological evidence that when Black students believe they are being judged as members of a stereotyped group rather than as individuals, they do worse on tests. He finds the mechanism, which he calls "stereotype threat," to be a quite general one, affecting women"s performance in mathematics, for instance, where stereotypes about gender operate. He analyzes the subtle psychology of stereotype threat and reflects on the broad implications of his research for education, suggesting techniques—based again on evidence from controlled psychological experiments—that teachers and mentors and schools can use to counter stereotype threat"s powerful effect.
Asa Hilliard"s ends essay, against a variety of false theories and misguided views of African American achievement, and focuses on actual schools and programs and teachers around the country that allow African-American students achieve at high levels, describing what they are like and what makes them work.

Young, Gifted, and Black will change the way we think and talk about African American student achievement and will be necessary reading on this topic for years to come.

Price: $16.00

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What Are Your Talents?

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Before you begin reading this article I feel I should warn you that it contains two very dangerous ideas!

The reason for the warning is that once you've read them and realised their implications, you may never want to return to doing what you've become comfortable doing for most of your life. You may change your career, your image, your partner, move house, have kids, adopt kids, have your kids adopted or simply leave the country.

I'm guessing that for some of you that prospect sounds inviting but I suspect for most it is dangerous even just to think about it.

We're facing some tough times in life and work right now. People all over the world are looking for innovative solutions to stay employable and in work. Those who will succeed in an increasingly competitive, global marketplace are those people who have identified that they have a talent that's in demand.

As the war for talent continues to hot up, businesses are increasingly aware that they must step up their talent management activities or lose out. In fact 80% of top executives believe that attracting and retaining the best people will be the primary force influencing business strategy in the future. And it's not surprising - globalisation, growth in the BRIC countries, falling birth rates and an ageing population in the West, margin pressures, technology markets, and the new knowledge economies, have brought about a talent drought that many organisations weren't prepared for.

But what is talent?

Most people think a talent is about performing on a stage or being an artist. Research has revealed that more and more young people want to be famous at being actors, singers,writers, presenters, dancers, pop stars than at any thing else. And more and more of them are trying for careers in the entertainment industry believing, even knowing, they have a talent for it...or that's what they think.

However the interesting thing is that many of these talented people who offer their services to the industry, won't make a lot of money, but they are still compelled to express themselves through the business. They offer their talents at low rates just for the chance to do what they do and share it with the world. Anyone who works as an actor in the theatre well testify to this.

But why do so many people these days want to appear on the stage and on TV where the prospects for opportunity are often so grim?

The reasons are complex but fundamental. It is an impulse. A compulsion that causes certain individuals to sincerely believe they have a talent for the job. Many also sincerely believe they have something to say to the world. Show business seems to be the best platform and becoming famous seems like a good prospect.

However, there are two types of people who will seek their fortune through fame.

The first type have a genuine talent for something and want to share it with the world. Their journey is often frustrating, but when they make it and their talent is truly recognised and rewarded, they may acquire a relative sense of peace and achievement.

The second category are people who have little or no talent, but are in need of attention. And the reason they need attention is because they are full of anxiety and doubt. Doubt about who and what they are, what their life is about and whether they are worth anything at all. This category of individuals believe that if they could become famous, the world will tell them who they are and what they are worth, simply by celebrating them.

So, they enter reality TV shows like Survivor, American Idol, Britain's Got Talent, The X Factor and Big Brother. They hope that by appearing in these shows they will feel noticed, loved and respected. But this won't solve their personal dilemma, because without a discernible talent, 'we' the people, and the fame hungry seeker themselves, won't be able to tell exactly what they are famous for. This will only make their doubt and anxiety worse, and on top of that, they'll lose their freedom to walk through the world undisturbed by the gaze and attention of the public at large, who will point out how untalented they really are at every opportunity.

So, talent is not just about showbusiness.

Talent is becoming currency in every walk of life. And there's never been a better time to be really talented.

But what are your personal talents?

Before you read on, just take a moment to think about your unique strengths, capacities and capabilities and jot them down. These thoughts might help you identify them:

1. What do you do, or know, that is unique, valuable or scarce?

2. What do you do spontaneously, with little effort?
3. What can you learn easily?
4. What activities relax you?
5. What do you wish you could do more of?

Now answer these questions to help define whether these qualities even qualify as talents.

Do your personal qualities:

• Create value for yourself and others?
• Are they unique and/or scarce?
• Are they sustainable over a long period?
• Do they fit a specific need (or set of needs) in the world?

The next step is to ask yourself this question:

Are your talents:

• Who you are?
(Your talent is genetic, innate and requires little or no effort or maintenance. In other words, you just need to show up.)

• What you do?
(Your talent is expressed as a specific behaviour or action that requires some effort. )

• Or simply what you are good at?
( Your talent is a learned and/or developed capability and you have achieved a high level of personal mastery)

For example, when I did this exercise with a client who works in a restaurant recently she identified the following.

1. She identified that her natural ability to tell everyday stories and make people laugh was unique, valuable and scarce. Also this talent is innate and comes with just who she is.

2. She loves to tell stories to friends and workmates about everyday events that she has noticed. This she does all the time, spontaneously and with little effort.

3. She can easily learn and memorise peoples names and faces. She is naturally good at this.

4. She is relaxed when she is around new people as she enjoys hearing their stories.

5. She wishes she could meet more people, hear their stories and make them laugh telling hers.

She identified herself as having a set of talents that would enable her to become a communication skills trainer and is about to change her career.

Apparently only 1 in 3 people are able to tell you what they are talented at so this is a powerful exercise to do.

When you've finished you should have in front of you some notes or a list of qualities that will give you are clearer definition (if you don't have one already) of what your unique talents and potentials are. What if I were to now suggest that the talents you've just identified might actually be a partial expression of a much bigger potential and that perhaps there is more available to you?

Maybe you have more to REALISE.

Before I continue we need to explore the meaning of the word REALISE for just a moment.

What does it mean?

Realisation - Noun

1. Coming to understand something clearly and distinctly.

2. Making real, or giving the appearance of reality.

3. The act of creating something by thinking.

4. The act of bringing something to completion or fruition.

5. An act of co-creation that is a hybrid experience of discovery and creation.

So realising something might mean making something up that feels like a discovery. Physics for example. When scientists try to describe sub atomic particles, they're basically making it up.
It's like a story. A fairy tale. They can't see these things, they can only measure their effect on the world, but they give them names like Quarks, Gluons and Photons because they know that there must be something going on. However their story was powerful enough to put men on the moon and latterly led to the creation of the Large Hadron Collider in Cern where they can recreate the 'Big Bang' in a small tunnel.

So in many ways scientist claim to have discovered things in the world but actually they create models and narratives in a kind of positive delusion that brings into being a new reality. In fact when dealing with the quantum world of physics where particles just pop in and out of existence, the measurement of a proton relies on an 'observing' scientist to collapse reality with his or her mind in order to bring the particle into being. Less a discovery and more a 'REALISATION'.

This is an important part of my dangerous idea so hold on to these thoughts because I'll be revealing all shortly.

The four key things we need for the expression of our talents are:

1. COMMITMENT - An impulse and passion, or a compelling reason to perform an action or behaviour to the best of our ability.

2. DEXTERITY- The ability to "gracefully" coordinate our talent in four dimensions. Physically, emotionally, intellectually and Motivationally.

3. STRATEGY - An holistic course of action or behaviours that addresses the 'big picture' and long-term goals.

4. THE COURAGE TO 'PERFORM!'- To see things through and get things done.

If we think in terms of 'talent' as being an energy and intelligence that exists within everyone and is revealed in what you naturally do well already, then all you need to do is to recognise where your talent is best expressed and create a simple strategy to express it more effectively. Once you have identified your talents you may be able to re-combine or re-apply them to an area that you first thought you had no talent for. A good example was the client I mentioned earlier who went from waiting tables in a restaurant to setting up her own company as a communication sklls coach.

So finally, here are my two dangerous ideas.

Idea number one: Start deluding yourself!

Most of the talented successful people in the world imagined they were successful before they actually achieved success. They behaved in a way that made other people believe they were already a success. They 'realised' their success before it actually happened. You might say they were in a constant state of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual self delusion. But this deluded state is a positive delusion that causes them to believe they can do almost anything they have a passion for. They believed it so others believed it too. They used the talent they did possess to create (or realise) a reality that allowed them to exceed expectations and perform at an exceptional level. Lady Ga Ga's meteoric rise to world fame is a good example from the entertainment industry. However you will need to have identified and developed a real talent before you start deluding yourself. And that's the tricky part.

Idea number two: You have no time - but the present moment.

Or rather, you still have time no matter what age you are, because time is an illusion. We actually exist in a moment 'without' time. A moment literally surrounded by nothing but infinite possibility.

Just think on this sentence for a second.

Where is the actual cut off line (or point) between the past and the future in this moment?

It's not there, it doesn't exist, because past and future are a psychological illusion created by the memory functions of the brain. Therefor there is no predetermined fate, destiny or ready made future 'out there' waiting for us. Sure there are plans sitting in peoples brains in the moment, but nothing's set or guaranteed. We are at the leading edge of our own reality, expanding into whatever we decide to move into. And it is a future where we have either identified and accepted our limitations or identified and realised our talent. As long as you are alive, you have time to realise your talents.

Allow yourself some positive delusion and begin to 'realise' how talented you really are.

Specialising in the areas of employee engagement, theatre and entertainment, leadership, creativity and innovation and communication skills, I work extensively with clients at all levels in business and particularly with people at executive level. Clients have included senior managers and CEOs in the banking, insurance and finance sector, marketing, retail, media and entertainment, pharmaceuticals, IT and engineering. I have co-authored a book on the subject of self-presentation 'The Energetics of Charisma' (available from Amazon and Most recently I have co-developed and launched a leading edge, learning and development programme for innovation and employee engagement called 4D Human Being. More information can be found by visiting my websites and

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What Does The Death Of Stars Have To Do With Goal Setting?

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I watched a documentary recently called 'The Wonders Of the Universe', presented by Professor Brian Cox. It gave me idea after idea relating to goal setting and goal achievement. In this article though, I'm going to focus on one, and it's the death of stars. What does this mean for your goal setting? Read on to find out more...

All stars will die - in fact many of the stars in the night sky are light remnants from massive explosions, as stars collapse in on themselves and then explode.
Our own sun is no exception - as a star it is destined to follow the same pattern.
It will run out of fuel, then it will collapse on itself, then burst outwards in a final explosion.

Who says this will happen? Well, it's more of a 'what' than 'who', and it's the arrow of time that says it. The arrow of time says that time moves forward, that nothing stays the same.

We are all familiar with the concept of time moving forward, because we can see it in our own ageing process, but *why* does time move forward?

The answer comes from the development of steam power. As engineers worked on more efficient ways to heat water to create power, the 2nd law of thermo dynamics was born. This states that everything moves from a state of order to a state of disorder, and this is called entropy.

This concept is important, as it gives scientific basis to the arrow of time, and is therefore important to your own goal setting, so I want to go into it a bit further...

In the documentary, Cox used an example of sand castles in a desert.
If we build a sand castle, it's a very ordered way of arranging sand. If we then leave it, it will be taken apart by the wind, taking it back to the disordered form of the desert around it.

Although physics states that the wind *could* blow the sand around and create a sand castle, it's highly unlikely, because there are so many ways for the sand to be disordered, that it's the disordered form which will take over.

Order will go to disorder. It's why the sun will die along with all the other stars, and it's an idea which should drive you in your goal setting.

Your present will not endure, your future *will* happen, it *will* be different than your present. This is a fundamental law of science.

So, what will your future look like? Well that's up to you...

You can either drift along, and let your future happen to you, or you can grab the steering wheel, and direct that future into what you want it to be.

Using well established goal setting techniques, and goal achievement strategies, you can make a future which you would not have thought possible.

In 5 years time, you will look back and see the passage of time, things will undoubtedly be different to how they are today. How much better will it be if, when you do look back in five years, you can say that you directed the change, that the difference between the future you and the past you was down to, er, you!

As it happens, of course, choosing not to set goals can be equally decisive in forging your future, with the massive difference being that to choose not to direct your future is to choose to be buffeted by circumstance.

Don't get me wrong, setting out on a path of goal achievement will always have unknowns ahead, and some of those unknowns may be very bad. Unpleasant things happen to us all though, and having a set of goals makes them much easier to deal with.

You can't choose *everything* about your future, anyone that says otherwise is simply wrong. There are 'dos' and don'ts' in goal setting and goal achievement, but my point in this article is the concept that the future will happen whether we want it to or not, that time will always move forwards.

If preparation is made, action taken, and opportunities grabbed, we stand a far better chance of the future being more how we want it to be rather than less.

Goal Achievement requires following an 8 step formula, whether you know it or not. I've used a powerful 8 step formula, and it can bring you dramatic results as it has me. I'll reveal them free at my site:

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What I Learned At A Traffic Light That Could Improve Your Life

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I was in San Salvador, El Salvador (I'm guessing it's their version of New York, NY) and noticed something I've seen before in South America.

At just about every traffic light at a busy intersection there was almost always somebody juggling!

I know I was thinking the same thing "what are they doing there?"

Whenever there was a red-light, they would go out onto the crosswalk and start juggling. I'm not talking about just your average 3-ball juggling either, I'm talking 5 or 6 balls at a time! Or sometimes it would be juggling clubs or Diabolos, the Chinese Yo-Yo.

And these guys were really, really good! They wouldn't juggle for long, after all the light was going to change! They'd do their bit and then walk down the lanes with their hat in hand and collect "donations".

They were true "street performers"!

I learned several things from them;

1. The best way to get good at something is to do it over and over and over again! They were probably out there everyday for hours and hours at a time doing this. You can't help but get good by putting this much time in.

2. Don't expect something for free. They could have just as well been out there with a sign "need money for food, please help" and hoping for donations, but they weren't. They were providing a service, entertainment, for their captive audience and making some money for their effort.

3. Just because you're good at something doesn't mean you'll be successful at it. These guys all had "mad skills" with their juggling, but I'm sure they couldn't put on a great show to save their lives. It takes more than just skill to able to perform for an audience and make it entertaining. I mean who wants to watch a guy toss 6 balls in the air for 45 minutes!

I've seen some really funny and entertaining jugglers who's technical skills were just "ok". And just the opposite, I've seen some great technical jugglers who were boring and put me to sleep!

But at least these guys on the street corners were out there doing something! They weren't begging for money, they weren't sitting at home moaning that they didn't have any cash. They were out there taking some action and doing something about it!

What actions are you taking to get your goals in life? What skills do you want to get good at?

Why aren't you "out there" on the street-corner?

Fred Moore is a Speaker, Entertainer, Author and Bald-Guy! His passion is providing companies and people with the resources to "get things done!". Check out to find out how you can get Unique, Professional Entertainment for Worry-Free Events.

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What Is Your Mission?

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Hello Everyone!

This article is all about establishing your MISSION STATEMENT-your personal mission statement and/or your professional mission statement. I had an exciting three days recently speaking to 200 Irish pub owners from all around the world. It was truly a great experience! For all of those pub owners, this mission statement exercise is great to do with your staff and management. Every business owner that is reading this needs a clear, compelling, and passionate mission statement that is shared with the entire company on a regular basis.

Many people go through their entire life lacking the clarity and the drive to live the wonderful successful life they are entitled to! They bounce through life allowing life and circumstances to happen to them rather than grabbing life by the horns and charging at it with a vision that is crystal clear! Establishing a mission statement personally and professionally allows you to keep charging and keeps you focused on the turbulent path to success. Success is not easy. It is not a straight line. It is a zigzag of success and failures. Your mission statement is there to keep you charging in the right direction. When you hit a bump and you get off course, you get back up and start charging at your mission statement! People with a clear mission statement, clear core values and written out goals will achieve success faster, eliminate distractions, and prevent burn out! They will charge confidently and passionately towards their dreams!

Before you think a mission statement is some pie in the sky concept that isn't practical I want you to think of awesome mission statements! In the book, "Built to Last," James Collins talks about a "BHAG," a big hairy audacious goal! According to Collins, a "BHAG" is clear, compelling, and serves to unify a focal point of effort with a clear goal or finish line. Examples of big hairy audacious goals: A computer on every desk in every home in America, running Microsoft software. Another example is Amazon with Kindle: Every book ever printed, in any language, all available in less than 60 seconds. Those are both huge goals!

What is your big goal going to be? How can you set clear goals without a clear mission? You can't! There is a reason you are here. You have something exciting to achieve in your life. Success is waiting for you; you need to decide what you want. A better business. Increased sales. To sail the world. Happier relationships. More money in the bank. Your dream job. Your dream home. All of these things are possible in your lifetime, but you must first decide what you really want and set it in stone. Success is not a matter of luck, accident, or fate. The first step to getting what you want is to decide what you are living for and what you want to achieve in your life.

You are the captain of your own ship. It doesn't matter if that ship is a company or your personal life; you get to decide where to go and how you want to get there. You wouldn't just jump on the boat and start sailing. You would determine where you want to go, when you will get there and you would use tools to stay on course! Developing your mission statement helps you stay on course, reading this email once a week helps you stay on course, attending seminars and reading success books keep you on course. First, you must decide where you want to go.

Start with the tough questions:
What do you want to be remembered for when you are gone?
What services or skills do you want to be known for?
What can you do that would make you stand out from the rest of the world?
When you visualize your success what makes you most excited?
What are you the best at providing?

Here is the Kildare's Mission Statement. Every employee in the company has it memorized. It protects our brand, our customers and our employees. It keeps our company focused on what we want to do best and it reminds our staff why they are in our pub.

"To consistently provide an authentic Irish experience to our guests and to exceed their expectations for quality, service and atmosphere."

Our big hairy audacious goal was: "To become recognized as one of the top 10 Irish Pubs in the world in 5 Years." (We were ranked 7th by a major travel publication 3 years ago!) Our latest big hairy audacious goal is to franchise Kildare's across the entire country.

Utilize these tools and ideas to start putting your own mission statement together. Do you want to have the best Irish pub in New York City? Then build it into your mission statement and share it with all your staff. Do you want to be the best realtor in California? Then everyone you come in touch with must know this is your goal. Do you want to be the best author in a certain arena? Do you want to be the best financial planner in your state? Then start building that reputation and deliver exceptional results.

ACTION STEPS: I am challenging you to rip up your old boring mission statement and write one with meaning, passion, vision and something that excites you! Think about your goals, your ambitions, and the most exciting life you can live and put it on paper! Focus on what you desire not what you fear!

1. Decide on your life Mission Statement: What do you want to be remembering when you are 80 years old, what do you want to be remembered for when you are gone?

2. Make a clear professional Mission Statement: If you own your own company, share it with every staff member, post it all over your office and strive everyday to live your mission statement. If you work in a company that already has a mission statement share your professional mission statement with your boss, manager and make sure it is congruent with your goals. If the company mission statement stinks, help them rewrite it and energize your company!

3. Think BIG! Think of being the best! Think of giving back! Remember if you give, love and serve others during your life you will always be rewarded!


Dave Magrogan is the CEO of Kildare's Irish Pubs, Doc Magrogan's Oyster House, Two Men and a Truck Moving Company, and Rhino Living Consulting and Training Group. By clearing the mental clutter, using his subconscious mind, applying the "Laws of the Jungle" and setting big, audacious "Rhino" goals, he has built a 20 million dollar empire in just a few short years! Visit the Rhino Living web page at to find out how Rhino Living can help you!

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What Price Would You Pay For Freedom?

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Do not get me wrong. I am not getting into politics when I asked that question in my title of "What Price Would You Pay For Freedom". I am talking about the price you would pay to get your personal freedom back.

I want to really get into this. How long do you want to work for a company that tells you how many hours you have to work, when to get to the office in the morning, when to take a break, or when to have your lunch, and when you can leave to go home and spend some time with your family? If you are lucky enough, your children may be still be awake when you finally do get home and you can play with them for a short time. "But do not get them too wound up," says your wife, "because they will not be able to go to sleep."

Before you know it, you are back on the train or in your car the next morning, sitting in traffic and talking to yourself because you have the time to talk to yourself because you are sitting in dead-stop traffic.

The question you ask yourself is, I am going to have to do this daily routine for the next 30 or maybe 40 years and make the company lots of money. I make just enough to pay my bills and maybe have a little extra to take the family on a small vacation (when they tell me I can and when to be back at work).

This picture I am painting does not look rewarding to me.

Let us go down the road a little. Kids are now college age. Were you able to save enough money to help them with the next 4 years or maybe 8 if they go on.By the way, did you notice how much the cost of tuition goes up each year??

Next stop 30 years later, time for retirement, we would hope.

Were you able to have some kind of retirement account, and was still in tact after the last turn in the economy?

But there are ways to get thru the process a little differently. Its called entrepreneurship. You make the rules, you set the hours, you get to see your kids and have meals with them and watch them grow. As long as you put in the time and energy, it is great.

So to answer the question "What Price Would You Pay For Freedom" only you can answer which way would you rather go thru life.

David Brenowitz is a self-employed internet marketing business success coach who worked all his life for other people until he saw the freedom he could have as an entrepreneur. He works with his wife, Roz, from their home in Scottsdale, Arizona.

To learn more about Roz and David Brenowitz, go to:

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What You Need to Know About Yourself

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Many people spend their whole lives in the shadows. Wondering what if they could do this or that, but never take action. They are in fact missing one of the main ingredients in life which is fulfillment. Every person that I know is absolutely great at something. You can talk to them for hours about something that they love doing, and you understand maybe even learn new concepts on that topic. While of course you can see others that don't show the same enthusiasm for what they do or say. The fact is that we are all able to do what we love but for that we need a clear vision of what is what we love doing. The only way to stop wondering what is what you'd love doing is getting to know who you really are and understand that the powers that have been given to you by nature are unlimited.

Let me put something clear. You don't really have to get to know yourself or all the wonderful things you are capable of doing. That in fact is your choice, but if you really want fulfillment in your life you need to start by getting to know yourself and what you are capable of. Understand that in certain a person is easier to do a certain thing, while for others doing the same thing is more difficult. Is there a difference? -Of course there is. I'm not saying go out there and be a Rock Star or the faster runner in the world or any other thing that involves a physical condition. My point is that the more you know yourself, the more you are able to do, reach, and achieve anything you decide to do with your life.

In today's world one of the biggest issues some people face is the loss of identity. Which only leads to bad decisions and regrets, and I know you don't want to be there but you also need to know how not to get there. First of all you need to like yourself and understand that you are wonderful in many different ways. But you might also need to share it and who better to start with than yourself. Let me ask you one thing? -If you don't like yourself why should others like you? Once again this is vital and the reason why I emphasize on this topic so much is because I need you to have clear in your head the benefits that getting to know yourself will bring you.

You will always be able to get what you want as long as you are able to give it in advance. If you want respect, give respect, if you want love, give love, if you want money you might need to invest as well either time or money. Look at it this way: If you are not willing to respect people, why should they? If you are not able to love others, why should they? But do you also want to know another wonderful thing? -Once you have the capacity to know who you really are in life and what you want from it you will upgrade from being in reaction and expect that things might happen to you, to being in control and doing the things that you really want in your life to happen. That's exactly where you want to be, not who I want you to be or who you want to become. You, as I said before are a wonderful human being, all you need to do is to show that for yourself on the daily basis on everything that you do.

Here is what you can do to help you with this process of getting to know who you really are. Remember that the most effective way to know something is to ask questions. Assuming will not get you any further than you are now and in fact it could also make you lose instead of improvement which is what you are looking for.


For now what you need to do is to design at least 5 questions that define the things that are part of you in your life. What you love and what you don't. Why you do it and the way that it makes you feel. It's like making a recipe. Well, now you have the chance to mention all the ingredients you are made of and on what proportion and order they need to be added. Make sure that all the most important things in your life are on these questions, and remember it doesn't really matter if you have more than 5 but make sure that only the most important things in your life are part of those questions. The fun part is that you can always go back anytime and add new questions, in fact in this process you will be adding new things to your life and maybe changing others, so don't worry. Right now just take a few minutes to write down your questions and answer them honestly. Here are a couple of sample questions in case of your mind goes blank you can modify them or use them if you want, but make sure that you are being honest with you on your answers.

What do I love doing?Why am I doing it?Who are the people I love?What are the most important things in my life?What makes me feel wonderful?What makes me feel bad?What are the things that I need to feel happy?

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When All Your Wishes Come True

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Image yourself at an estate sale exploring the items for sale when you run across a brass oil lamp. Immediately your mind begins to manufacture images of an Arabian young man dressed in ragged clothing rubbing the lamp you have in your hand. The scene is from a cartoon that you have watched many times with your children. The images make you smile, and you think about buying the lamp for no other reason than the fond memories it conjures up.

You finally track down the person to give your money to. You know nothing about the people who are conducting the estate sell, nor do you know the person whose estate it is. You have been able to piece together that the person was a history professor at a nearby university. You marvel at the numerous trinkets that the person has accumulated. The pictures on the wall chronicle a life of travel and numerous acquaintances.

When you get home you take the lamp out of the bag and give it a closer inspection. There is no telling how old it is. The brass is tarnished and in bad need of polishing. Does it have some historical value? Why would an object of historical value be sold so cheap? If the price was any indication, the lamp was nothing but a cheap made-in-China dust collector.

You raise the lid and peek into the interior of the lamp just to make sure the resident genie is not inside. You are a little disappointed to find not even a small wisp of smoke. You think: what would I have wished for if the lamp had contained a genie?

The question is a good one: for all of us. What would you wish for? Would you wish for a large home, or a new car, or all the money in the world, or wish to be a monarch and live in a golden palace, or to be marooned on a desert island with the person of your dreams? Would you wish for all your wishes to come true?

Are you still in touch with your dreams and wishes? Are they real to you, or are they on a shelf somewhere collecting dust? Can you describe the dream? Can you put it or them into words? Can you visualize them?

More important, do you have faith in your dream? Do you believe that it will come true? Do you really want it to come true? Could you handle the consequences that the materialization of your dream would bring?

What if you had the power to make every one of your wishes come true? Wouldn't that reality force you to be careful for what you wished for, knowing every wish that came from your brain would materialize whether good or bad. Wouldn't that ability change the way you think?

The immediate reaction is skepticism. Why? Your disbelief betrays your thinking. You don't believe. You have no faith in yourself or your wish, nor do you have the understanding of how to use the lamp that is between your ears.

Terrance Mayfield is a business development specialist and personal development coach. Mr. Mayfield believes that business development and personal development go hand-in-hand. " A person cannot separate themselves from what they believe about themselves and the world around them." Mr. Mayfield offers additional insights into business and personal development at

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Why I Don't Believe in Get-Rich-Quick-Schemes and Have a Healthy Degree of Paranoia

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If you want to achieve in life you must grow somewhat more carefully after each notch of success you conquer. Over time, you'll see the good, bad, and ugly of human nature, and as you do you'll begin to realize how risk and reward works, and also a good deal about human motivation and how Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and free-market philosophy work in the real world, when they are not manipulated by Machiavellian takers.

Achievement is possible, it's just so many people don't understand the simplicity in all the abundance of information, PR tricks, and perceived complexity.

Not long ago, I read a very interesting piece in the New York Times on May 31, 2011 titled "Not a Flashy Investor, Just Successful" by Julie Creswell which talked about Martin Sass and stated that he; "Martin Sass runs a boutique investment firm with $8 billion in assets. He doesn't believe in get-rich-quick schemes and has "a healthy degree of paranoia." After, I read that, and the entire article, I thought to myself, how this is my type of person, how his skepticism, cynicism, and mild-paranoia kept him away from the likes of Bernie Madoff, Allan Sanford, and others over the years.

Do you remember the former CEO and President of Intel, Andy Grove? In his memoirs and biography he wrote a book titled "Only the Paranoid Survive" - and I believe that was the proper title for someone who was president of the largest semi conductor Corporation in the world at the time. Actually, it still is, and for good reason, including the ability to leapfrog the competition, not falling for unproven new trendy concepts, and a good healthy degree of paranoia.

Folks who are well grounded realize that there is no easy way, that all things are possible but require hard work ethic, intelligence, and a bit of integrity. At the same time they must realize that not everyone thinks like that, and there are plenty of "get rich quickers" out there willing to take shortcuts, and do whatever it takes to make deals. Those who've been around the block enough times can spot a phony when they see them, and quite frankly we are smart enough to stay away from them.

Does it make sense to live your life full of paranoia? No, of course not, but you also need to realize that there are others out there who wish you ill, and will do whatever it takes to see to your downfall in order to get the advantage for themselves without working for it. I believe you should take the highroad, and understand a little paranoia is okay, and get-rich-quick-schemes are not. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,444 articles by June 4, 2011 is difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off..

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Why You Should Know a Second Language

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Everyone speaks English, right? Well, certainly not everyone speaks English. According to the CIA World Fact Book, only 5.6 % of the world's total population speaks English as a primary language. That number doubles when people who speak English as a second or third language are counted. By conservative estimates, that means that well over four-fifths of the world's population does not speak English.

Learning another language gives the learner the ability to step inside the mind and context of that other culture. Without the ability to communicate and understand a culture on its own terms, true access to that culture is barred. Why is this important? In a world where nations and peoples are ever more dependent upon on another to supply goods and services, solve political disputes, and ensure international security, understanding other cultures is paramount.

Lack of intercultural sensitivity can lead to mistrust and misunderstandings, to an inability to cooperate, negotiate, and compromise, and perhaps even to military confrontation. Intercultural understanding begins with individuals who have language abilities and who can thereby provide one's own nation or community with an insider's view into foreign cultures, who can understand foreign news sources, and give insights into other perspectives on international situations and current events. For survival in the global community, every nation needs such individuals. A person competent in other languages can bridge the gap between cultures, contribute to international diplomacy, promote national security and world peace, and successfully engage in international trade.

If businesses are to effectively compete in a global economy, they must learn to deal with other cultures on their own terms. Companies that plan to do business abroad therefore have a dire need for bilingual or multilingual employees. Businesses that intend to compete internationally need employees who can competently communicate in the locales where they do business. Employees who speak one language can communicate only with people who speak that same language.

Though it's possible to travel to foreign countries without speaking the native language, your experience will be largely shaped by your ability or inability to see beyond the surface of the culture. When you lack the ability to communicate in the native language, you can not fully participate in day-to-day life, understand the culture, or communicate with the people. The language barrier can be anywhere from frustrating to downright dangerous. When you know the language, you have the comfort of being able to successfully navigate all sorts of situations, like order meals in restaurants, ask for and understand directions, find accommodations and perhaps negotiate cheaper prices, and meet and talk with natives, to name only a few. In most countries, people will appreciate attempts to use their language. You will be able to communicate more completely and have a deeper, more satisfying travel experience.

And on top of that... I am making a living of a second language.

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Why You Should Never Quit

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If there is one thing that most of us are consistently taught when we were growing up, it is that we should never give up, no matter how hard a particular task is. This task can be anything, such as playing a game, wanting to own a successful business, studying for a driver's license, and any other dream that we might be looking to make a reality. Now while this has been constantly hammered into our heads, have you ever wondered why you should never quit?

To truly understand the power of never quitting when trying to accomplish something, it is important to understand why you get that feeling of wanting to give up. In most cases, it is usually because somewhere along the line a particular task becomes too difficult. When this occurs, you naturally become frustrated, angry, and disheartened. In addition, there is also the possibility that the people around you begin to lose faith in you, thus making you feel even less capable of accomplishing a particular task. When all of this happens, the first natural response is to quit.

Now if you look at all that has happened, everything that led you to quitting was a negative thought or action. In most cases, your decision was based purely on emotion and nothing else. What you do not realize is that by quitting, you are actually stopping yourself from moving forward and learning something new. Instead, you are only ever able to accomplish something up to that point and no more. When a particular thing becomes too challenging for you, it simply means that you are entering a situation where you are finally able to learn something brand-new. So in fact, you should see these extremely challenging situations as something exciting, because it means that you are finally reaching an area of your life that is now allowing you to learn something new.

Instead of quitting, you should calm yourself down, forget about what other people think, and look at the situation from an objective point of view. By taking this approach, you will find that problem solving becomes easier, which in turn will help you to figure out how to deal with this new situation that is now facing you. Once you do this, you will then be able to learn how to deal with it effectively, even if it means you have to fall down a few times before getting it right. The best part is that once you figure it out, only then will you truly understand the reason why you should never quit, no matter how challenging a situation seems.

Andy Pitt

Visit my blog at

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Your Multiple Intelligences

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The seven characteristics are, as described by Gardener are:

1. Visual / Spatial
This is the intelligence that is most associated with artistic ability. Although, not limited to artists, this intelligence includes anyone that uses dimensional thinking such as pilots, architects, interior designers, city planners and bush trackers.
Visual / Spatial intelligence is used when you picture dimensional concepts or objects in your minds eye. Many powerful memory techniques are available for people with strong visual / spatial intelligence.

2. Musical
The ability to understand, appreciate, create, and enjoy music is a component of a musical intelligence. Most of the great composers and musicians have this kind of intelligence. It is your musical intelligence that allows you to keep rhythm or remember a song from the rhythm.

3. Physical/ Kinesthetic
The ability to use your body or motor skills are components of this intelligence. This intelligence is much more than athletic ability, it also includes being good with your hands. Many people who have kinesthetic intelligences have the skills required by carpenters, surgeons, or even weavers.
This is a very valuable intelligence on its own and also in combination with other academic intelligences by including some physicality into your studies.

4. Linguistic
The ability to write well and talented language skills are common characteristics of linguistic intelligence. Individuals who are linguistic learners love words. They love to play with and manipulate words. Linguistic learners have a very easy time in school generally because school is a linguistic environment.
This kind of intelligence is prized and rewarded by the formal school system. If you are one of these students, you have a highly developed intelligence that is catered to the schooling environment and perform best on one and two dimensional tests such as the IQ and SAT.

5. Mathematical
The ability to think logically and proficiently are big components of this intelligence. Most abstract linear reasoning requires this type of intelligence. Mathematical learners would tend toward careers that are either mathematical or logical such as engineering, accountancy, and statistics.

6. Interpersonal
Interpersonal intelligence is a social talent. This intelligence can be identified by people who have a skill or ability to socialize very well with others. They have the ability to comfort and put people at ease. This is a very valuable intelligence when dealing with society.
This intelligence is used by people in sales positions, negotiation, and motivational speaking.

7. Intrapersonal
The intrapersonal intelligence is the intelligence of self-analysis and introspection. It is identified as being able to examine your own behavior, how the behavior affects external factors. This is the kind of intelligence that is the key to identifying where you are in life, where your goals lay, planning for the future, and also such things as daydreaming.

Most people will find that they tend toward one dominant learning style. Each of these learning styles has their merits, but there is nothing to say that you can not improve your other learning styles. For most people, it is important to identify their learning style so that they will be able to cater their own learning to this style. However you can also use other learning styles to improve your overall learning.
Putting it all together - its time to start using your brain!

Your brain is made up of many trillions of cells with billions of connections between them. With all this 'hardware' in your brain, you are supercharged and capable of performing unbelievable feats.

The answer to succeeding with effective study, isn't about brain size or brain matter, it is about studying smarter, not harder. The key to this is being able to understand how your brain works and use what you know to improve your abilities.

For further information on how and why your memory fails, feel free to visit and learn more techniques on how to improve it. The student is introduced to a toolbox of tools to assist with the process of learning and each category focuses on a different part of the study process. The student is taken from before the course of study, to after the exam and everything in between to best prepare you to succeed with studying.

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How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling

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How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in SellingA business classic, How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling is for anyone whose job it is to sell. Whether you are selling houses or mutual funds, advertisements or ideas -- or anything else -- this book is for you.

When Frank Bettger was twenty-nine he was a failed insurance salesman. By the time he was forty he owned a country estate and could have retired. What are the selling secrets that turned Bettger's life around from defeat to unparalleled success and fame as one of the highest paid salesmen in America?

The answer is inside How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling. Bettger reveals his personal experiences and explains the foolproof principles that he developed and perfected. He shares instructive anecdotes and step-by-step guidelines on how to develop the style, spirit, and presence of a winning salesperson. No matter what you sell, you will be more efficient and profitable -- and more valuable to your company -- when you apply Bettger's keen insights on:

• The power of enthusiasm

• How to conquer fear

• The key word for turning a skeptical client into an enthusiastic buyer

• The quickest way to win confidence

• Seven golden rules for closing a sale

Price: $14.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Five Ways to Keep Yourself Motivated (So That You Will Actually Get Stuff Done!)

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I'd like to share with you 5 of the ways I keep myself motivated, 5 ways that you can use to keep yourself on track with your goals.

The dictionary defines the word motivate as; "to stimulate toward action"

We all have things that we want out of life, some people call them goals and some call them dreams. But whatever you call them it's not just enough to have them, we all need something to motivate us to achieve them and something that will stimulate us toward action!

1. Have a goal wall.

I started doing this about 15 years ago; I would print out each of my goals onto a piece of paper and display them on my wall. Usually in front of my desk or someplace I'd see them every day.

Not just an arbitrary goal like; I want to lose weight, no a specific goal, clearly defined as to what I want. Like " I want to lose 10lbs". Now you know precisely what it is you want. The problem is we all "want" things or "wish" for things in life. So why not change the wording a bit and make it; "I will lose 10lbs". Now it's not a "want" or a "need to" anymore, it's a fact. I WILL lose 10lbs.

But why not take it even further? State the goal as if it's already happened! "I have lost 10lbs". Now it's a foregone conclusion, it's going to happen.

And now set a deadline for this goal "As of Sept 15, 2011 I HAVE lost 10 pounds". That is a clearly defined goal, you know the exact amount of weight you will lose and you know the exact date you'll do it by!

I'll stick these to my wall in my office as a motivator to myself of what I'm going to be accomplishing in the next few months, weeks or even days. It's great, especially if a deadline is coming up and I'm not quite there yet, I now know I've got to get my butt in gear!

Once you've completed a goal don't throw it away. Put a big old check mark across it and put off to the side on the wall. Now if you're ever staring at your goal wall feeling a bit overwhelmed, you can motivate yourself by seeing all the goals you've already gotten done!

2. Tell a good friend about your goal.

This can be a work buddy, your best friend, a relative or your spouse. Let them know what you want to do and when you're going to do it by. Let them help you achieve this goal by giving encouragement and support. They'll also be there to remind you about your goals. Especially if it's something they want to do as well. They want to see if you can do it! And you can use that to inspire them and motivate them as well. If it's possible maybe the both of you can work on this goal together, motivating each other. Like having a workout buddy, you hold each other responsible for showing up to the gym on time!

3. Tell a "not-so-good" friend about your goal.

Find somebody you who's a little "snarky", someone who likes to remind people of their failures. Tell them your goals and when you're going to complete them. But be careful, because they'll probably tell you that you won't be able to do that. And remember that old quote from Henry Ford "whether you think you can do something or you think you can''re right!"

The great thing about this type of person is they will take great pleasure in reminding you of your lofty goals. "So John, how's that little goal of yours coming along?" They do this because most people are a lot of talk and no action. And they'll be like "oh, yeah I forgot about that..."

But if you're the kind of people I know you are, you can take great pleasure in saying to them "oh that goal? I'm almost done with it as a matter of fact I'll be getting there much sooner than I expected" To which they'll respond; "oh....well isn't that nice?".

4. Reward yourself.

Have a reward for yourself for when you complete your goal, you deserve it! Sort of the whole carrot and the stick method, you've got something that you really want and it can be yours. Maybe it's one of your goals and you can combine two of them together as a motivator. For instance you want to go on a cruise for vacation and you want to lose 10 pounds. The cruise can be your reward for losing the weight!

Now you've accomplished 2 of your goals at the same time because they both complement each other.

5. Put up positive and motivational quotes to inspire you.

I love quotes; I've got several books full of them on different topics from all sorts of people. My favorite ones I'll print out, like the goal sheets and put up on my wall. I don't have a lot of room in my office for photographs, there's too much motivation going on! I've probably got 6 quotes right now in my office and I'll change them from time to time. And even though they are there, day after day, every once in a while one of the quotes will ring true with me at that point in time. Something's going on in my life at that very moment that this one quote is so perfect for and it really inspires me.

5 things that you can do to motivate yourself;

Have a goal wall

Tell a good friend about your goals

Tell a not-so-good friend about them

Reward yourself for achieving your goals

Display positive and motivation quotes.

Now here's the key it! You've read the article, you know what to do, now it's time to take some action! Keep yourself motivated and you'll be surprised at what you get done.

Fred Moore is a Speaker, Entertainer, Author and Bald-Guy! His passion is providing companies and people with the resources to "get things done!". Check out to find out how you can get Unique, Professional Entertainment for Worry-Free Events.

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