Success - How To Find Success In Your Life

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One of the first things that you have to do to achieve success in your life is to begin questioning what you know. This may seem contrary to popular belief but that's exactly the point. Most people don't succeed in life because they choose to believe everything they have been told.

However, if you look at the prevailing conventional thoughts, you will find that they are average, mediocre and teach you nothing about how to rise above the norm to have true success. Jacob Chanowski once said, 'It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot, irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to question it.'

Likewise, you are a student of life. If you merely follow the crowds and never question whether it is the best way to do things, then you will never find success in life. The reason most people don't do this is because in school you are taught to never question the teacher about what they are teaching. Instead, you are to just learn what is being taught. If you don't do as you're told then you will fail your test and not pass the course.

Change the way that you do things. Begin to question whether or not you have been doing things correctly to achieve success even if everyone around you is telling you that you are doing it right. Two things can happen because of this.

1. You realize that they way you have been doing things is the right way. However, you are no longer just doing them because that's the way you have been told to do them. You now have an understanding about why this is the best way.

2. You realize that you have been doing things totally wrong and that if you continue doing things in the same way you will never reach the success you want in life. You then begin to seek out the best ways to achieve success even if it goes beyond conventional wisdom and what those close to you think you should do.

Either way, you still come out ahead. You will either discover why what you are doing is right or you find out that it's wrong and begin to find the right way. If success in life were achieved by conventional thoughts, everyone would be successful!

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