Seven Ways on How to Be Successful

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Why does success look so easy for someone else and not yourself? Why are people so easy to get whatever they want? While, even if you've tried so hard, but what you've got is not what you wanted.

Failure is the wisest teacher. Successful people are those who continue to try, although they have experienced many failures. They never stop trying and trying again. Life for them is the opportunity to achieve success. The following tips are excerpted from the results of a study of successful people. How to be successful person?

The first is "luck". Many People think that success happens by coincidence. According to Edward D'Bono, there are successful people because of a good luck. For instance, a person suddenly had the lottery with worth of USD $ 1 million or married with a very wealthy person. So did in terms of business, a person or company suddenly get a lot of orders. Three examples above are the success because of a coincidence.

The second is "very talented". People become successful because they do have extraordinary capabilities in all sides, one real example is Mozart. In the age of four he was able to play the piano with remarkable skill. Mozart is one example of a "very talented". Another example is Richard Claiderman, a modern pianist who is also very talented in his field. In the field of sports, one of the examples is Tiger Woods, a very talented golfer.

The third is "you are on a growing business sector". You are successful because of doing business in the sector that is growing rapidly. For example, people who do business of computer in the year 1985 most of them are relatively successful. The people who do the business of Internet most of them also get success. If you do business in a growing sector, the possibility to be successful will be greater.

The fourth is the "confidence". Successful people must have self confidence. With no doubt, they are sure that they will get what they want if they have been doing the best. They also realize; the best work will result in compensation for them.

The fifth is "enjoying what they are doing". They were able to see work as fun, they chose to work where they can excel. Successful people love a challenge; they enjoy the achievement of their game, both at work, playing music or on the football field.

The sixth is the "lifelong learners". They realize that education never ends but it starts at every level of life and continues until the end of the life. Education is not limited only in the classroom, it means trying new ideas, reading books, newspapers, magazines and using the Internet as a form of education as well. Because of that, keep running according to changes in interest and your abilities, as well as enjoy the change. This will help you to grow and feel more confident.

The seventh is "you must be little bit mad". Successful people want to take risks. They attempt to reach the target, by doing something new or doing some strange experiments and they do not afraid to take risks to succeed. You must be little mad if you want to achieve success. Doing something a bit mad doesn't mean doing a negative thing.

Success, triumph or whatever its name is a process. The process does not reach with ease. Success is the result of commitment and continuous process to achieve a goal.

The loyalty of doing the process is the key. Although it looks cliches, but it's real. In life, all things do not always run perfectly. But it does not mean we should be quiet or give up on fate. The seven ways on how to be successful person above may be able to help you to get success.

For more information on how to be successful, please visit


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