Success - How To Be Successful At Anything You Do By Following These Simple Tips

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Everyone hopes that they will be successful in at least one area of their life. But how do you become successful? Is it hard work, education, family connections, or a combination of all of these? The answer may surprise you.

Being successful comes from a feeling and belief deep inside of you. If you are willing to challenge yourself, take the extra step, follow through with what you start, and believe in yourself, success can be yours.

Success can be defined in many ways. For our purposes we will say that someone is successful when they have achieved any goal that they have set out to fulfill. Success can only be measured by the person attempting to achieve; success to one person will be different than success to another.

Becoming successful occurs over a period of time. Someone may be working toward running a marathon and will consider that they have been successful when they complete the race within a certain amount of time. By planning out the necessary steps to accomplish this goal, they will be on their way to success. By challenging themselves to finish the race, making sure they have trained adequately and appropriately, following through with an exercise and diet regime leading up to the race, and believing they can be successful, they have a much greater than average chance of being successful.

These steps can be applied to any area of life that you wish to excel and be successful in. Spend the necessary time to make a plan and carry it out and success will be yours.

Connie Ragen Green is a motivational speaker and author. Visit her at


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