Principles Vs Values & Opinions in Leadership and Success Achievement

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Values and opinions are simply a result of our life experiences, influences and environment, therefore, are relative to our life, or our perception of life, only. Others may or may not share our same view.

In relationships whether it's friends, family, or business, the mistake we often make is that we impose our values and opinions on others and/or assume that there is automatic consent. Or worse, we may even be indifferent or careless about the view or perspective of people around us. Our values and opinions are our particular philosophy, therefore, could be arguable or offensive to others. This greatly depends on the results that our philosophy has produced for us, or our philosophy's foundation.

In order to minimize conflict we must incorporate what is known as "principles" in our communication and engagement with others. Principles are fundamentally accepted (not always socially accepted) rules of action or conduct that are generally inarguable depending on one's purpose or goal, such as raising a family, playing a sport, or building a business. With principles as the foundation, we can build long lasting, enriched relationships and positively influence those around us to use the best judgment and decision making when faced with responding or reacting to stimulus or any given situation.

For us to become an influential leader, those that are lead must feel that our example is worthy of mimicking or duplicating and offers the security of a predictable positive outcome. In critical times, mere values or opinions may not hold up under the pressure of success achievement. We may value sleeping in all day, but that's not a principle congruent with success.

Ultimately, people are more attracted (consciously and sub-consciously) to those who minimize their opinions, and offer the sure-footing of principle-based leadership. For example, it is inarguable that the principles of character, commitment, accountability, responsibility and discipline are necessary to be truly successful in anything of significance that we do. Applying these principles to family, health, and your finances would surely prove to have an inarguable positive outcome.

Even when we are not aware of it, there is always someone observing us and asking themselves:

"If I look like, walk like, talk like, and act like him/her is my success assured?"

"Is he/she demonstrating or displaying the best example of qualities that I should follow?"

Though none of us are perfect, when the answer becomes "yes" to these questions, that is when you know that you have become a leader and now bare the responsibility of exemplifying the principles necessary for true success!

I urge all to research and define the principles that are necessary for leadership and success achievement. If you have not read books such as "Think and Grow Rich", "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership", "How To Win Friends And Influence People", "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", and "The Bible", to name a few, you may be missing a very important ingredient in your attempt to become successful.

It's never too soon or too late to take action and change your life for the better. Visit for more information on how you can start living the life of your dreams.

Randy C. Wilson


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