What is Success? The Definition, Interpretation, and Advice on How to Achieve Success

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Do you want to be successful? Do you even know what that means? Success today is measured by many individual standards, and never by any one uniformed standard. Many times an individual doesn't even know what success looks like until that individual achieves some level of success. And even then the measure of success for Johnny might be a million dollars and a house in the Hampton's; where as the measure of success for Jimmy is a wife, two kids, a dog named Scruffy, and a house in a cul-de-sac. So who is to tell you or I just what success is; and for that matter how to achieve success?

Well, first let's look at the definition of success, and then we will go on from there. The Encarta Dictionary: English (North American Version) explains success as follows:

Success - suc-cess (noun) The achievement of intention; the achievement of something

planned or attempted.

By that definition anything that we set out to do and accomplish is success. So if I set out to go and pick up the trash in my yard and I accomplish that task; I by definition am successful, right! Perhaps by definition, yes; but by modern standards and interpretations; I would not be considered a successful man for performing such a menial task.

The modern day, and Americanized version of the definition of success (by interpretation) usually means: The achievement of something not easily achieved. By our modern day standard I may not be considered successful unless I have gained wealth, power, or have achieved notoriety and fame. These are some of the factors by which we gage success.

I would submit that a true concise definition of success could never be formulated. Why? Because everyone seems to have their own version of the definition, as well they should. I may not consider myself successful unless I have a yacht, a house on the lake, a million dollars and a riding lawn mower. Your definition of success might be more expansive or even simpler. You may not consider yourself a success unless you have a house in the suburbs, a working car, a good job, and a loving family.

Whatever your personal definition of success; there is usually one common denominator. Happiness! What creates happiness for you? I would suggest that if you are truly happy in life, then you are successful. Without happiness you can't have success.

So how do you achieve success? You start by figuring out exactly what makes you happy. Figure out what you want in life; what will make this life a fabulous life for you. Then you go get it. That's it! You figure out a way to get it, and you do.

In this great country, everyone has an equal shot at achieving success. As long as you are willing to do what it takes to achieve success; you have the opportunity to do so. Success is achieved by the strong in mind.

So, here's to your success; I wish you the best!

(For more information on ways to achieve success check out my last article "The Definition of Entrepreneur...". You can also check out my websites below, and stay tuned for future articles on this subject.)

Jeremy Alexander is a successful Entrepreneur and Instructor in the business of helping other entrepreneurs achieve their own personal and financial success. Whether at home working with his clients, or on the road speaking at conferences and classrooms; Jeremy is dedicated to the fundamental philosophy: "Success can not be earned without first creating success in others". To find out more about why Success is his passion checkout his website at [http://www.secretsofwealthandprosperity.com] , or for some more tips on how to be successful checkout his free Blog at [http://www.secretsofwealthandprosperity.com/MyBlog]


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