Personal Success Secrets - What is the Real Measure of Success?

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Is personal success achieved once you reach a certain goal? Not really. If you base success on the idea of reaching of a certain goal, the same thought process that said you would be successful when you reach that goal will tell you that success will not be had until you have reached the next goal.

In other words, success cannot be measured by any one accomplishment. For instance, some people think they will feel successful when the reach a certain income. However, when they reach that income, they find they have not achieved everything they feel is necessary for success, so they still don't feel successful.

The problem is that we do not perceive success by what we have accomplished, but by the way we look at ourselves. We must see ourselves as successful, not only because of what we have done, but because of who we are.

Personal success does not come with any certain achievement. It certainly is not determined by the amount of money you make. Feeling successful comes with the whole package of what you have achieved, who you are, and what you believe. In other works, success is not the icing on the cake of your life; it is the whole beautiful cake.

As an example, I know of a band that will probably never be rich, but it is very successful. This band does over 250 shows a year and barely takes in enough to pay for the expenses. But they love what they are doing and the places they play at love to have them there.

They are enjoying what they do, they are doing what they want to do, they are good at what they do, and they are making others happy with what they do. This band is a wonderful personal success story.

Now we know that we all have to make an income, and this band gets theirs from other sources. But the moral of this story is that personal success can never be measured by one achievement or the act of reaching a certain goal. True success is the sum of who you are and what you do.

So go ahead and set your goals, but remember that being a success in life is more of who you are, than individual accomplishments.

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Wishing you the best in life, Claude J Anthony


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