The knowledge we gain is like muscle that we gain, if it not used and worked often it will grow weak and useless; also if not consistently pushed to its limits it will not grow and develop.
In body building there are techniques used to make your muscles grow and expand, and other techniques to build endurance and maintain them; the same goes for developing your success.
You read, listen to lectures, watch videos, listen to audio, compile notes and study; you find various sources of supporting and opposing views, you draw conclusions and you build on what you learn.
Organizing your knowledge is key in determining what goals you are going to achieve and in which order; organized knowledge also gives you instant access to the facts and skills you'll need in achieving your goals as well.
From what you learn you develop a plan, goals and map them out then you take action on what you have mapped out. Achieving each goal one at a time building upon each success, like climbing a ladder or stairs towards your ultimate destination.
Many people believe just because they have an education and hold a degree that they are successful and better than others, but an educated person without a purpose in life is not a success; they have the potential for success, but without action there is no success.
The formula for success is as follows: (Knowledge + Action) / Corrections = Power. There is never true success without failures along the way, you do not focus on these failures nor look for them, but when they happen you correct your plan and continue on.
Power is the ability to do what you what, when you want and how you want as long as you do not interfere in the rights of others. Sure there are those that have power over others but this is not just or right and usually leads to the failure of you or the organization you have constructed.
From Power comes Success, from great power comes great success, and how great either is, is determined by you and your master mind group; for no individual succeeds without the help of others. Only by having a powerful mastermind group at your back will you be super-successful; and this is determined by the harmony of the group.
To truly gain knowledge ALWAYS keep an open mind; look at the information presented to you, evaluate it and then determine if it should be adopted or tossed aside. If it makes you think then think on it, ask your mastermind's opinion on the topic and then pass final judgment on the information. Not everyone will have the same opinions and that is why they are called opinions.
Just because you strongly believe in YOUR opinions and have gathered "facts" that justify YOUR opinions you have NO right to force them on others, just as THEY have NO rights to force their opinions on you.
The successful person is not the one who has memorized all the facts but the one that can think on their feet and apply what they have learned; it is the person's ability to adapt and extrapolate the information they have learned and apply it in new ways never thought of before.
Learn and build your Knowledge base, construct goals and plans, take Action on those plans, Adjust to the road blocks put in your way and Adapt, and build you Power and your Success.
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