What Does Harmony Have to Do With Success?

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If a couple are not in harmony with their goals and desires then the conflict between the two will sabotage each of their goals and dreams. Only when a couple is willing to sit down and discusses each other's hopes and dreams and work on accepting each other's aims in life will there be harmony in the household and relationship.

This harmony will work wonders and increase each of their chances to succeed. Being in harmony with each other will support each other; there will be no need to hid your goals and plans, or worry about what the other may think or say about what you are attempting.

This works both ways you must each accept the other's hopes and dreams and ONLY offer advice when sought, do not offer your advice unless asked, to do so will come across as trying to take control. The ONLY time you should offer any type of advice is if Danger is involved to the other.

If you do OFFER advice, make sure you say upfront that, "This is ONLY a suggestion, but you may want to CONSIDER this," then state what you FEEL may be trouble coming. After stating your position reinforce that this is ONLY your OPINION and that you THOUGHT that they may want to CONSIDER this information, but no matter what you will SUPPORT THEIR decision.

Harmony is as very important in the food you supply to the body by what you choose to eat. "Garbage in, Garbage out," is a very popular and true saying. If you feed your body junk on consistent bases then it will have a negative impact on your health and in the end your life and success.

Be careful on what you choose to eat, poor choices in what you eat will make you feel tired, sluggish and rob you of the health and energy you need to succeed in life. Pick up a good book on proper nutrition and make meals that are good for you. Eating healthy does not involve eating bad tasting or tasteless food; there are many great tasting dishes that are good for you.

Eating correctly and enjoying treats and alcohol in moderation will keep the body and brain healthy and working in complete harmony. Together the body and brain will be able to properly identify and eliminate disease and keep you young and full of energy.

Harmony in your environment is also important, how you interact with those you work with, how you perceive your job and the decisions you make on a daily basis. If you work with people you don't like or a job you don't like do little things to try and change your environment.

First make little changes in your work area that you can do that will make it more pleasant; try to see how you can use your current job as a stepping stone to something better. As for the people you don't like, make an effort to avoid them and be polite to them. Tell yourself that you feel sorry for them that they are so unhappy that they have to be so mean and rotten.

Begin to create a world of harmony around you, create a more friendly and loving relationship with your spouse; start eating better a little more each day and only enjoy treats on the weekends; make small adjustments in your attitude towards your job and those you work with.

Little changes made each day, changes in your viewpoint and the way you look at things, will make big difference in the months and years to come.

Only you make yourself happy or unhappy, successful or unsuccessful, so why not chose to do the things that will have a positive effect instead of those that have a negative effect. You chose; don't let others destroy the harmony that you need to succeed. Create your own world of harmony and keep yourself in that world always.

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